The Origin Story

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Every super villain has a tragic and sappy backstory and mine is not at all different, if that bores you then leave... like right after this word... guess you aren't leaving? fine... but let it be known I warned you

 I was running as fast as my tiny legs could carry me jumping the crates and boxes left abandoned like so many of us in the Yandence City alleyways. I clutch the bread loaf  in my cloak tighter making sure not to slip and lose it in the rain puddles. My shoes were sopping wet when I heard the sound of wind blowing above me, GREAT... Dealing with the Alley shopkeeper was bad enough now I know he's on my tail. I ducked into cover of an abandoned building watching from the loose wooded boards of the windows. I heard a deep bellowing voice.

"Worry not citizen for I, Captain Authority, Shall find and imprison the thief of your perishables!" 

An all too familiar voice a lot raspier in tone answered back.  "You have bigger things to worry about , I'll find her myself" common for a man who smokes a lot more than cigarettes to not trust a hero. Soon the both of them darted in the opposite direction of my destination. 

"all too easy." I say to myself as I make a mad dash for a disarranged apartment building that honestly should of been torn down years ago, if the alleyways had enough money to do that. I climbed the brick when I saw two tufts of  inky greasy hair through the slates of the fire escape.

"What did I tell you two about being on the fire escape," I screamed in a hushed whisper "They'll catch me, or worse catch you two with me!" I smiled at them "plus you could get yourselves hurt or even killed... Then who would I steal bread for?" 

"you brought us bread!" The twins chimed in unison in a hushed tone. Rylie the girl twin bit a tiny bite of the loaf when she handed it to her brother Wylie he bite a huge chunk out of it.

"Hey save some for your mom" I scolded like she wasn't my mother too, I just really don't want to be associated with her since she kicked me out. 

"Are you still mad at mommy?" The little girl asked softly , I sighed "It's complicated sweetie, I have to go before dad sees me but ill be back again in a couple days alright? Wylie take care of your sister! Rylie , practice your ABCs with your brother! If you do maybe I'll bring something you want really badly like an Apple? maybe a bunch of Banana?  perhaps some - "

"Alright we get it! Practice the ABCs!" They both yell at me softly as I scale down the fire escape and fade into the alley as I hear an all to familiar car door shut and lock. I shake my head in disappointment, someday I'll get my siblings out of this... by any means necessary, even if I have to put blood on my hands to do it. I could always claim it was self defense. I sigh loudly as I dash through the windy streets, scraps of newspaper and plastic bags flowing to the night sky. My hair felt heavy from being damp, although I didn't mind. I needed a free shower even if it was cold. I threw a deep raven colored strand out of my eyesight, quickly turning down the bustling main street of the slums to yet another abandoned building. My home away from home as some people say. 

A tower of cement with mixed in old bricks stood before me, I don't know for sure if it was a school or a prison in its past. I did know it was a lot better looking on the outside than in. I walked behind to a big teal blue backdoor, made of sound metal and opened it slowly making creak sounds you've only heard in horror movies. Must be the rain on the rusted hinges, I take cautious steps inside I've almost fallen through the wood floors once or twice, only with minors scrapes and bruises luckily, but I really cant afford being put in the system or even dead if I wind up in a hospital. I check every door and every place I know is safe to get to, making sure no uninvited guests stepped foot in my building. once its all clear I go to a glass door with the name " Principle Warden Shucks" although someone who came long before me had spray painted the H out of Shucks. "Principle Warden Sucks" makes me giggle every time I've come to the door. I turn the rusted knob and pushed my weight forward knowing it sometimes gets stuck on cold rainy days like these and it opens with a couple tries. I am greeted by a big four pane window with the full moon finally in view as the rain clouds roll on the rain subsides. Each little star peeking behind the clouds to say hi and welcome me home. 

A hammock with a blanket in it made from used bedsheets or table cloths hanged from one banister to the other on one end of the room, the desk was placed directly in the middle once I imagined was pristine oak wood now covered in graffiti and carved pocket knife letters. A armchair with rips and stains was by a now long empty bookcase minus a few textbooks and a journal of my own and a blank dusty wall which I assumed at one time had a couch from the wall lines. Two chairs sat in front of the desk , rusty and one of ems leg was broken off. A student desk I pulled from what I assume was a classroom not too far down the hall was left against the wall by the door. I opened the desk compartment , assessing my food situation. 

A apple, a pack of saltine crackers, a half eaten mini bag of chips and a couple bottled waters sit inside. I think about which market stalls to hit tomorrow while grabbing the apple and taking a big crunchy bite out of it, juice falling down my chin . I lay on the armchair exhausted.  I loved them dearly but that grocery stall owner is one of the least likely to give up my chase, so I rarely go unless the twins ask. 

I mean after all I do anything for them, even risk getting my ass kicked by one of those supers for a lousy loaf of bread. 

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