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The vast, furious sea caused the many ships sailing in its territory to be hit with multiple blows from the water, rocking them in their places. Lightning flashed across the night sky, lighting the world for a mere second to show the many men the relentless sea. A roar of thunder followed seconds later, causing some to piss themselves in fear.

The men upon these ships instantly set to work to keep their ships afloat, and to make sure every area within the ship was okay.

Their hearts raced with anticipation, and fear, a fear they've learned to accept through their travels, knowing it was a huge part of human life. "Guard the Queen!" A man yelled, looking down at the many men standing around the top floor. One of them nodded, and rushed below deck, to where the Queen laid. Her white hair neatly braided back, her funeral attire on, and her eyes completely closed. To never open again.

"Do not worry, my Queen. We will find land so that we may lay you to rest." The boy spoke softly to the dead, making sure her coffin was stable so it would not tip. He also braced himself as a huge wave came against the ship, sending it rocking side to side for what felt like eternity. Many items fell and rolled around the floor, but the coffin stayed still. The boy thanked the gods, and began praying for safe passage.

Night had passed, and dawn had come upon the land. Many men had awoken to the sight of fish on the ships that had been brought up from the sea, seaweed, and water. "The gods have decided to feed us for our trouble." One joked, standing from his spot. He was soaked, and still a bit drunk from the night before.

The doors to the lower deck opened, and an feminie voice called out into the room. "Ivar!" The boy instantly recognized the voice to be his sister.

"Down here!" Ivar responded, relieved that the ship was no longer recklessly moving about. It was stable. The girl began her descent down the ladder, making sure her cloak didn't get caught on anything. Ivar moved to help his sister, only backing up once her feet were planted firmly on the floor below them. He watched her as her eyes went over to where their Queen was laid. She gave a sad look, and approached the coffin.

"Brother sent me to come check on you.." She spoke, stopping to bow before the coffin before laying a hand to the land's surface. She sucked in a shaky breath, allowing a heartbroken cry to leave her mouth. Ivar moved to his sister's side, and stayed quiet, knowing she needed a moment to collect her thoughts. "We should have never come to Westeros. I knew they'd betray her. She was too good for them. They didn't deserve our Queen." She sobbed, keeping her hand on the lid. Shutting her eyes tightly, she allowed the tears to come out before wiping them from her face.

"The gods will seek revenge on them for her, and us. For now, we must find somewhere to bury her." Ivar explains, bringing his sister into his arms.

"You're right." His sister ays, pulling away to straighten herself out. "Anyways, brother wants us to report on top. He sees something in the distance, hopefully some land for us to stop and get off the sea for a while."

"Artemis, I doubt there's anything out there worth checking out. We went west from Westeros, and the men and women there don't even know what's this way." Ivar says, taking a seat, and pulling out a horn of ale. Chugging some down, he sighed in relief. He needed something strong to start the day with.

Artemis rolled her eyes, and snatched the horn away from her brother. "The anchor has been thrown overboard, and a smaller boat with two men is going out to check to see if it's safe to unboard there. One man claims to see a dock, but we don't know what position it is in. So come, now. We shouldn't leave the Gray Worm waiting for long." She finished, tossing the horn to the side, and turning to go to the ladder.

With not much thought, Ivar joined his sister. They closed the door behind them, and Artemis dragged Ivar over to where their older brother was. His back was to them, so he could not see them advancing toward him. He stood in his regular fighting clothes still, giving orders to those in front of him.

"Brother," Ivar said sternly, bowing his head. "What are your commands?"

Gray Worm looked at his younger siblings, smiling softly at them. "None for now. Is the Queen's body okay?" He questioned, joining his hands together behind him.

"Yes, brother. I made sure her coffin stayed steady through the night." Ivar replied, casting a look out at the sea. Many of the Unsullied and Dothraki were split into groups on every ship they had left. He just knew last night's storm caused the Dothraki men to shit themselves.

He chuckled softly at the thought, and looked back at Gray Worm. "You've spotted land in this fog?" Ivar asked, remembering Artemis's words from earlier. He was feeling a bit skeptical. The fog was thick, and surrounded the whole sea. They were lucky they could still see the Targaryen Banners , and sails flapping in the air so they wouldn't bump into another ship.

Gray Worm nodded his head once, and pointed out towards something. Ivar followed with his eyes, and saw that the fog was circling something, dark and far off in the distance. A loud roar filled the atmosphere, and Artemis smiled. Flapping of wings, and the sight of a huge beast coming toward them caused her to giggle.

With a raised brow, Ivar looked between his siblings. "Drogon followed us?" He asked, his brows knitting together. He thought the dragon would go his own way, but they did have his mothers body with them, so maybe he wanted to make sure they were going to take care of it.

"I believe he's been guiding us this whole journey." Gray Worm says, watching the dragon fly above them, circle the ships, and head back towards the area he came, as if instructing them to follow him.

"Maybe. Or, the Spirit of our Queen has mounted him, and is the real reason why he's still here with us." Artemis says, her eyes filled with awe and hope.

Gray Worm smiled, and looked at Ivar. "Either way, we wait for the men I sent out to return with news. Be prepared for anything, and stay close." He instructed, nodding at the two before venturing off to keep an eye on everything.

Ivar and Artemis shared a look, and smiled at one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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