info and an apology.

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Firstly, if you were a reader of the nagatoro x fem kuudere reader fanfic, the story has gotten deleted. I am the creator of the story. I trying my best to restore it. Now, it got deleted because of me. It was over something very selfish. Heres my confession. You see, I wanted to install a game that I wanted very badly. However, my phone had barely any storage left, so I deleted all the data from my phone. I had deleted all my accounts on all the apps I had, including Wattpad. Yep. I didn't even hesitate. The passion to download that game blinded me. And I actually forgot about you guys. I feel so terribly ashamed and sorry. I feel so upset with myself. I regret hitting that button in settings that meant consent to throw away the world, the escape to reality that I created to make you guys happy. I regret feeling joy when I went to google play store and pressed the green "install" button. I did something utterly terrible, selfish, and wrong. I didn't even think about you guys that enjoyed reading my story. I am so, so, so, terribly sorry. I apologize to you guys 1,000 times. It was so, so, so, SO wrong of me to do this to you guys. I was only thinking about myself at the time. I apologize. I'm so guilty. I'm disgusted by my actions. I humbly ask you all fir forgiveness. I love you all, because you guys are all my friends. And I did something awful to you guys, who are my friends. I can't say how sorry I am, but I'll at least I'll apologize. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll try my best to restore this fanfic, but it will never be like what it once was. I am so, so, so, so sorry. I love you all.

(note: I was feeling really in the moment that day, so I got really poetic or smth. Sorry if it was weird.

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