He's mine

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Andrea bit her lip in annoyance as she glared angrily at the blonde-haired girl who was currently hugging up on Ricardo, and of course, Ricardo shoved her off every time, not liking that it wasn't Andrea who was feeling him up. Speaking of his beautiful girl, she was looking absolutely gorgeous as usual,

Andrea was dressed in a beautiful silky white Dolce & Gabbana slip dress, a pair of lilac-colored Bottega Veneta sandals, a matching lilac Yuzefi leather handbag, a Messika Move Noa diamond ring in white gold, and the same matching necklace that hung loosely around her neck.

The two were currently at the new and rebuilt Russo mansion for their weekly meetings, which had been held off for quite some time because each mafia group had been busy taking care of their own businesses and other shit, that they didn't have the...

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The two were currently at the new and rebuilt Russo mansion for their weekly meetings, which had been held off for quite some time because each mafia group had been busy taking care of their own businesses and other shit, that they didn't have the time to host the meetings as often as before,

Everyone had been discussing the topic of the slowly disappearing shipments that they were supposed to receive last week, but all Andrea could focus on right now was that shanky blonde bitch that was touching  all up on her man,

Andrea hasn't told anyone about her and Ricardo's relationship, since she knew how Antonio felt about her dating after her last relationship went downhill. But Andrea was certain that Ricardo wasn't like her last bf, he actually cared about her and how she felt about something.

"What about Drea? What do you think we should do??" The said girl turned to look towards Antonio who had asked her the question, and her brows furrowed as she tried to come up with a solution for their problem.

"I say we find whoever dares to steal from us and show them why we're known as the Valentinos. The second strongest mafia in all of Italy." Antonio nodded his head in agreement, his eyes gleaming proudly at how much his little Andrea has grown up. It feels just like yesterday when she was still playing with dolls, and now she's a strong, confident, and beautiful young woman, and he couldn't be any more proud of her and all her accomplishments.

The other two mafia leaders nodded their heads in agreement to the girl's statement, Lorenzo's eyes carefully scanning over the girl's face, just now realizing how much she looked like his little Drea, but as quick as the thought slipped into his mind it was gone just as fast, he refused to make any assumptions as he didn't want his sons to know the truth about Andrea's whereabouts.

Catherine on the other hand only glared in Andrea's direction, not liking the fact that Ricardo's sole attention was on her, "Say Pookie bear...would you like to go somewhere a little more private.." the others hadn't heard the sneaky comment from the girl, too busy discussing their plans to care. All except for Andrea who couldn't take it anymore and instantly drew her gun out and pointed it at the girl's head, her eye's fueled with hatred as she spoke.

"Get you're filthy little claws tf off of my man before I blast your big ass head clean off," Andrea growled, pressing the barrel of her gun harder onto the blonde's forehead.

Catherine winced back at the cold metal harshly pressed against her skin, and hesitantly tore herself away from the smirking man, her hands trembling at the sadistic look swimming in those hazel eyes glaring down at her,

Andrea scoffed at the girl, she was clearly all bark no bite which honestly gave her second-hand embarrassment, Andrea ignored all the shocked looks she was receiving from Antonio, Luca, and the Russo family, and made her way towards Ricardo. Carefully slipping into his lap as his hands immediately snaked around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Andrea then snaked a hand through the man's neatly combed hair and tugged at it harshly causing the said man to groan in pleasure as his grip on the girl's waist tightened,

"This man is mine, my name is already written on him permanently as you can see, so the next time I see you getting all touchy with him I won't hesitate to blow you're head off. Am I understood"

Andrea bellowed as she maintained full eye contact with the blonde witch, Catherine could only nod her head fearfully as Andrea got comfortable on Ricardo's lap, and turned to tune in with the meeting. Her eyes instantly connected with Antonio's, an angry look swimming in those usual warm eyes of his.

Oh shit.....

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