1~The beginning~

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~E n s y~

I hear the bell ring and I take my stance. The hardness of the mat and tape below making my feet hurt. I catch a glimpse of the girl across from me step forward on her left foot.

Big mistake

I quickly dodge her right hook punch and step around her. I can hear people chanting Scura, my in ring name. But I don't pay any attention to it.

"Come on. Is that all you've got?" I taunt. I can see the girl get visibly mad, making me smirk. She steps forward and lands a punch right to the middle of my cheek.

That will definitely bruise tomorrow

I smile and lay a right hook to her nose. I can hear the crunch of her nose breaking. The sight of her blood falling onto the mat makes me smile, but frown at the same time. I regain my emotions and knee her in the gut and lay another uppercut to her face. Knocking her out.

Well that was quick

"One! Two! Three! Four! Five!" The crowd cheers. I smile as my hand is lifted into the air by the ref. I walk off the mat and over to my smiling manager, Dodge.

"Great job kid. You just won yourself this." He hands me an envelope with around 2 thousand dollars in it. It's not as much as I normally make. But the coach of my opponent just wanted her to get her head out of her ass. So he asked my manager if I would be willing to win a little fight.

And I of course said yes. I would do anything for the money. Hence why I am participating in underground fighting.

"Thanks Dodge. I better go home. I have school in the morning and I can't be late again. I've been late so many times that I might not graduate." I smile when I see Dodge nod. I hold the money tight and walk to the "locker room" and by locker room I mean worn out bathroom that has dried blood and throw up residue everywhere.

Hell there is probably some dried up sperm on the walls somewhere. But it beats changing in front of everyone in the cavern. Especially because no one has ever seen my real face. Only this hoodie and face mask.

The cavern is what we call the underground fighting place. Only a certain few know about this place because illegal bets and fighting happens down here. But we haven't been caught yet. And hopefully we don't. I need my money.

I unwrap my hands and put my wraps into my duffel bag. I change my pants and put on some sweats. I change my shirt but keep on the hoodie and mask. I won't take it off until I get home. I never do.

I take the envelope and place it into the secret pocket. To secure it. I've been in a situation where someone tried to steal my money. Let's just say that guy got the beating of his life that night.

I hike my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the bathroom. I keep my head up, knowing people will see me, but not really me. Just the mask. I exit the cavern through the elevator and head out to my car.

Once I reach my car I throw my bag in the passengers seat and hop into the drivers. I drive home and when I get there I see one of the lights on. I smile as I park my car. My grandma is home.

I grab my bag and head into the house.

"I'm home!" I yell as I take off my hoodie and black ski mask. I hear little footsteps running from the bathroom.

"Sissy!!" My little sister yells as she runs up to me and hug my legs. I laugh as I crouch down and hug the naked 3 year old girl in front of me.

"Layla! Get back here I'm trying to give you a bath!" I hear my grandma say as she exits the bathroom. I look over at her and smile.

"Oh Ensy, your home." My grandma smiles and walks over to us. She picks up my little sister and gives me a little side hug.

"How was the gym?"

I sigh and set my duffel bag onto the little bench next to the front door. I can't tell my grandma about my job. So I had to tell a lie. But it wasn't technically all a lie. I technically do work out. But instead of only hitting punching bags, I hit other people.

"It was fine. I have to take a shower. I smell like sweat." I let out a laugh and turn towards her. She smiles and agrees, making me smile.

I love it when my grandma comes over every other week. She takes care of my sister and I while my mom is gone getting drunk with some man she met off the street.

I am trying to save up enough money to get my sister and I away from my mom. She may not hit us, but I want a better life for Layla.

Since I am turning 18 in 6 months I am going to save up as much money as I can to buy Layla and I a place near our grandma.

Layla will be able to spend time with grandma while I'm at school for the rest of my senior year. We also won't have to deal with my mom bringing random men into our house drunk and having sex in the room right next to Layla's. That just won't cut it at all.

"Alright Layla. Let's get you a bath and into bed." My grandma says and pinches her cheeks. She lets out an adorable squeal and she runs into the bathroom.

My gram and I share a look and we both laugh. She follows Layla into the bathroom and I make my way into the small kitchen.

"Gram did you and Layla already have dinner?" I yell out. The house is small enough to where she would be able to hear me.

"Yes! There is some leftovers in the microwave for you!" She yells back. I smile and open the microwave. My mouth instantly waters at the leftover pizza on the plate.

I take the covering off and immediately warm it up. When it's done I take it out and eat it.

Time to go to bed, then off to school the next day. Ugh.. I hate school.

The kids in my school are such shit heads. Everyone sucks except for my friend Mario. He only sucks a little bit. 🏳️‍🌈 If you know what I mean.

I'm not popular. But let's just say I will not let anyone walk over me. I've gotten into a few fights because some girls and even guys have walked on me. I'm not going to stand that.

If they step on me, I step right on them. Specifically their face though.

I wouldn't say I'm feared in school. But most people don't try to mess with me. They know what I could do to them.

They don't know that I fight in underground matches though. Only Mario knows about that.

I drink a glass of water and head into my room. My grandma has already bathed and put my sister into bed by now. She normally reads her a story at night.

I do my normal night routine then go to bed. Hopefully these few hours of sleep will be better than the 6 hours of school tomorrow.

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