2~The new guy~

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~E n s y~

"Ensy sweetie, time to wake up!" My grandma yells from the kitchen. I groan into my pillow when I wake up and feel the slight pain in my cheek.

I'm not worried though, I've learned how to cover up my bruises by now. The only person that has ever seen one of my bruises is Mario. That was the day that I told my best friend I participated in underground fighting and won money for it. 

He obviously asked how much I made and ultimately stopped paying for his own food when we went out to eat or did literally ANY activity together. I loved the guy, but he could at LEAST pay for his own food sometimes. 

"Ensy wake up or you'll be late for school!" I groan and literally roll out of my bed. Falling onto the floor in the morning seems to be the only thing that wakes me up. So I do it everyday. 

For some reason a soft punch to the face bruises me, but me falling onto the ground from off my bed every morning doesn't. 

Pushing myself off the floor I walk over to my closet and pick out my outfit. I grab a pair of black sweats and a white tank top. I don't need to impress anyone today. Unless Mario wants a show. 

I walk out of my closet and make sure my window curtains are closed. The old guy next door likes to look into my room sometimes. And I definitely do not feel like giving him a show.  

I change into my clothes and since I don't have time to take a shower, I just throw my hair into a messy bun. I sit at my desk and do my makeup, doing my best to cover up the bruise on my cheek. Once i'm done I put on my Black boots and take my phone off the charger. 

"Sissy guess what!" Layla yells as she runs at me. I laugh and pick her up. 

"What?" I smile at her and walk into the kitchen with her in my arms.

"Granny said she would take me to her house and take care of me today!" I look over at my gran and smile. 

Normally I have to take Layla to a daycare during the day, while I'm at school or in the cavern. It makes me sad that Layla has no parental figure to have fun with everyday and do cool fun things with. 

"That's great. Are you excited?" I ask as I set her in a chair. 

"Yeah! Granny said I could eat as many cookies as I want." Layla says before grabbing one of her pop tarts and biting into it. 

I look over at my gran and whisper the words "thank you". She smiles and nods towards me. 

"Ensy eat this before you go to school." She hands me a plate of toast, eggs, and bacon. 

"Thank you." I say before I sit down and eat my food. 

After finishing my food I say goodbye to Layla and Gran. I grab my bag and head out to my car. The ride to school is always fine. But as soon as I enter the parking lot. My dread gets worse. 

I stare out the windshield at the car that pass bye and all of the trees. I sigh as I pull into the school parking lot and park in my normal spot. 

Naturally as I get out everyone's gaze turns towards me and I roll my eyes. I hike my bag over my shoulder and walk my way into the school. I walk over to my locker and open it, putting the necessary things into it. 

"Hey Pansy!" I hear from behind me. Without turning around I can already tell that the voice belongs to Belany. The slut of the school. She goes from guy to guy like they are tampons and she has a VERY heavy flow. 

"I heard around school that your mom has been fucking everyone's dad. Is that true?" I squeeze my eyes shut and try to ignore her words. 

She lets out a sadistic laugh. "Aw. Don't want to speak huh? Don't like the topic of your mommy?" As she finishes those words I feel her claws on my shoulder and I rip her hand off of me. 

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