Sitting down at your desk and looking at the computer thinking "it's time to be productive," but when you pick up your pencil all you want to do is crawl back in bed. Actually the sole thing that keeps you going is the promise that once you get through the day, you can go back to sleep.

The wish that you could have a motivator, or even just be motivated. But nothing comes, anxiety rises, and you're stuck in the cycle of feeling horrible about doing nothing, while doing nothing.

It's the lack of care for yourself. You used to be so put together, simple makeup and presentable clothes each day. Not you struggle to want to put those clothes on, opting for baggy ones, no makeup, and ponytails if your hair gives you a struggle for more than 10 seconds.

It's going multiple days without brushing your teeth or showering, and feeling god awful about it, but not doing anything to stop it.

It's the wanting to be fit, the desperate dream to feel okay in your body, but nothing happening. Nothing changing. Instead, you brush it off as tomorrow's problem, but tomorrow never comes.

The worse thing, however, is getting yelled at for these thoughts and feelings. Deep down you know you could change it, but there's something- an invisible force- holding you back. What? No one knows. But so far, no ones taken the time to see you're struggling. But, it's not their responsibility either. Can you blame them?

You're just alone, fighting your inner demons by yourself.

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