MORE HEADCANONS!! its going to be sad

462 7 21

( S\*c*de mention, self =? Mention if this is triggering to you please dont read )

Jack did have a abusive foster home but he wasnt hurt... Initially

Quint has has scars because he has been cu!!ing himself from hating his Autism and other things..

Dirk crys because feels like hes mean so Quint comfort's him

June doesnt wear girly clothes because it probably wont impress jack (even though jack doesnt give a sh*t)

Quint and Jack has tried to commit s\*c*de together many times from there problems

Dirk doesnt feel like he belongs with his friends even though they love him

( okay ill stop making yall cry now )

TLKOE HEADCANNONS and oneshots And Other Random Shit And Angst..😀🙌Where stories live. Discover now