Chapter 2- Panic

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Hey, I hope you liked the first chapter!!!
Have fun with the new one 😉

Chris' POV

When the glowing beam fell down, it just missed my torso, which I had bent over Harper's small body. However, it fell on my left leg and so I couldn't move. The pain clouded me, but I am quite sure I saw a shadow running away.

"Harper, are you hurt?"I tried to sound as strong as possible.

"No, I'm not. " Her voice was loud and beeping.

The only thing that kept me from fainting in pain were her bright blue eyes looking at me hopefully. I couldn't let her down. I took off my helmet and put it on Harper's little head.

"Chris, where are you?" I heard someone screaming.

"We. . . we are. . . h-here!" I kept coughing from the smoke.

But I guess I was loud enough, because suddenly Street was in front of me. Of course. . . who else?

"Chris, you scared us so bad!"

"Hmm". . . everything got more and more distorted. "Street, take the Child and get out of here. "

He took Harper in his arm and calmed her down.

"I'm not leaving you here! Come with me!"

I almost laughed.

"I can't. " I pointed at my leg.

"Oh my God!" he wanted to bend down to me but I stopped him.

"N-no, get Harper out. " I got even flabby, which definitely didn't calm Street down.

"Stay with me Chris!!!" he shouted.

"I. . . saw someone run away, tell the others. . . now go. " I screamed as good as I could go back.

Street gave me one last worried look, then he walked out.

After he left, I felt my head hit the ground. Everything around me went black.

Street's POV

When I stormed out of the burning day care center with the girl, my team members looked at me in horror.

"Where's Chris!" Luca asked impatiently.

"She. . . she's". . . I was too excited to say anything. I just wanted to go back and get Chris out of it.

Deacon came up to me and took the child away from me.

"Hey! Calm down Street. What about Chris?"

"Her leg is trapped under a roof beam, it looks really bad. When I was with her, she was almost unconscious. What if another beam fell off? I would have-"

The words just bubbled out of me.

"STOP!" shouted Tan. "You don't blame yourself for anything that probably didn't happen at all, you understand?"

I just nodded instead of giving an answer.

"We're going in now. Street, you stay here and take the little girl to her mom!" Hondo ordered. He knew as well as I did that it was against regulations to enter the building without a fire brigade. And yet he had made up his mind. I looked at him thankfully, but he ignored me.

In the 15 minutes that seemed like hours, I took Harper to her mother. This one was overjoyed, but I wasn't. I was scared, not just worried, but really scared for Chris. Despite her rejection, she was important to me and the fact that I loved her had not changed.

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