Chapter 4: Maid...?

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"That's pretty much the whole house. If there's anything you need to know, just ask me."

I nodded and thanked the homeowner for showing me around. Finding clients wasn't a piece of cake, primarily because I had to constantly prove my worth due to my tender age. But I'm glad this rich family was willing to give me a chance. To their great surprise and astonishment, I proved not to be a disappointment.

Although the residence was huge enough to technically be called a mansion, I was still able to finish cleaning every room my employer wanted me to. Took about five hours and by the time of completion, the night has fallen. They were overjoyed and praised me. A few moments after, the son of the household arrived.

I wasn't exactly getting paid to look at his face, so I didn't.

"It's my first time seeing her, is she new?"

"Yeah, can you believe it, she finished everything within a few hours!"


"Also, she's the same age as you."


Reflecting on the events of the past week in the middle of class hours isn't precisely the greatest idea invented. In fact, it isn't recommended as it leaves you vulnerable to oral recitation attacks without any knowledge at hand. It would be akin to charging into battle without a shield and a weapon.

Yet, here I am. My mind constantly drifting from place to place while staring at the blackboard containing the written discussion of Organic Chemistry.

"Would anyone like to enumerate the organic compounds we have discussed today?"

Freelancing has kept me afloat for the time being and most of the initial clients have expressed doubts. Thankfully, those were washed away as soon as I displayed my skills. Giving a lower rate has also helped to find more employers since I don't exactly have years of experience to show for it. A few side gigs may also help to cover some surprise expenses.

"Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides."

"What about examples of functional groups?"

Well, despite all of that, I have to say, I'm having fun.

It's less strenuous than my previous job with me having the luxury to quit anytime on the clock. Which is fantastic since I don't plan on cleaning up after people for a long time.

"Hydroxyl, methyl, and carbonyl."

"Define secondary alcohols. Jess?"

"Secondary alcohols are alcohols in which the hydroxyl functional group is attached to a carbon which is itself attached to two other carbon atoms."

I stared at the slowly moving clouds in the sky. My right cheek was buried in my palm, a bored look plastered all over my face. Geez, I wish I was the main character so that I can have my seat near the window.

Jokes on me though, no one would like a nerd protagonist who isn't secretly a gangster or in love with a bad boy.

At least by Wattpad standards.

The days peacefully passed by. Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to have happened. Little by little, my savings were once again increasing. The two-month fast of buying hardback books was tough, but I bore it. All in order to secure a future. It was heartbreaking to do so, and I didn't know how long I would last. In fact, it got so severe that selling the books I owned became obligatory.

In that period of time, it felt like my soul was being continually crushed. Still, I didn't have much of a choice.

However, at long last, my efforts have borne fruit, and I sniffed the first hardback book I bought after a while all night. If someone saw me at that moment, they'd probably call the mental hospital. And the bad part is, I'd have no good excuse to give either.

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