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days had pasted and AAU was growing on me I didn't mind it being so different to the army as I had a new reason for being there a reason which was becoming clearer to me every day. One day after a long and tiring shift Serena asked if I wanted to go get a drink after work and I was over the moon and quickly agreed. with the offer of buying the first round of course.

It had been years since I had been in a pub and the pub bear Holby was so different to any I had been in before. full of doctors relaxing in a welcoming environment, I felt so at home. again we started talking and the minutes turned into 3 hours. it was getting late

"we have an early shift in the morning" Serena quietly said
"we better go" I responded not wanted to leave to go back to my hotel I was staying at
she knew about my ended relationship and my living situation and she offered for me to stay at hers.
I looked at her with a blank expression
" if you don't mind"
"of course I don't, you're my very good friend"
she said with a big smile.

"good friend" I thought we had more than that was I wrong, am I completely misunderstanding. I can't be can I ?
I took up her offer and we preceded to her house. it was an large empty house with several photos of her and this younger women who I believed was Elinor. I continued to look around the room and my eyes stumbled upon a corner of her living room with a small pile of wine bottles on the floor and the glass dripping wine on her wood floor.

I looked at her and she said
"it's not as bad as it looks, I started after Elinor's death,
I felt so bad for her I grabbed her upper arm and leaned in for a hug. at first she was reluctant but after a while see leaned into me. I sat her down on her sofa and allowed her to cry into my shoulder

after a few minutes she started reminiscing about Elinor and how much she missed her, all I could do was comfort her but I don't think it helped much as she suddenly rose from her sofa and went upstairs without saying a word.

I waiting quietly on the sofa then she said the spare bedrooms ready.
I was surprised I didn't even hear her make a noise but I rose from the sofa regardless and slowly walked up the stairs
there I heard a noise she opened the bedroom door and it took my breath away, it was this stunningly kept room mainly white but it has subtle accents of colour it reminded me of Charlotte's childhood bedroom, not to say it wasn't nice but it made my cry.
I sat on the bed and bursted out into tears. she said
"is everything alright?, did I say something to upset you?"
"no no " I quickly responded
"it's just its just like Charlotte's childhood bedroom, I know it's a stupid thing to get upset about, don't worry about me"
" I understand it's hard after a divorce, it was hard after me and Edward had our divorce, you can sleep on the sofa if you prefer?"
"no no I think a proper bed will do me some good"
I started to unpack my bag my next concern was how long I could stay as I have no more money for hotels.

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