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*above is a picture of Rej*


I sat in detention and watched the ugly detention lady fill out reports. Cursing silently, I pulled out my emergency make up kit. It was a small box with a mirror, blush, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I looked at myself in the little mirror and sighed. I was beautiful.

But I patted a layer of blush onto my cheeks. I nearly squealed! Even I couldn't get used to my own beauty... Smiling, I hummed Start A Fire by Lil Wayne. The rhythm got to me, and soon I was singing every word and tapping the desk. I began stomping loudly and clapped as the rapping entered my mind. My voice sang loudly, "Let's start a-"

A giant ruler whipped past my head.

I gasped as the ugly detention lady picked up my make up kit. "Stop singing! This is detention- not choir."

As she stalked away back to her miniature desk, I heard a soft chuckle. Looking out the window was the geek. The sunlight poured over his faint muscles and glistened on his hair. He smiled, but suddenly froze when he saw me staring. He glared and turned away.

I looked down at my math homework, then at the geek. There's no way I am doing homework! I'd rather talk to a geek than- I paused.

Sighing, I scribbled a note on the paper:


I have nobody to talk to, so I am talking to you. Let's talk about something interesting. Unless you can't handle me, than I suggest you get back to your geeky hobbies.

Chrissy Drama

Nodding in satisfaction, I crumpled up the note and threw it at the geek. It hit him in the back. He flinched and looked down at the note. He grumbled something before picking it up. Unfolding the paper, he glared suspiciously at me.

I smiled innocently.

The geek turned away from me.

I shrugged. Fine, don't talk to me. I looked at my math homework. "2a + 3x = 6a/9y." I groaned and covered my face in embarrassment. Geeks do homework, not me.

A whirling sound came closer. A soft thud echoed from my desk. Curious, I pulled my hands away and saw a paper airplane on my desk.

A sharp whisper came from the geek. He pointed at the airplane and glared again.

I picked up the airplane and unfolded it. A note was on the airplane:

Dear Ms. "Chrissy Drama,"

We can talk about Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Sincerely, Ronan

I shook my head and wrote him a note:


First, I don't care what your name is. Second, really?! Is Star Wars your religion or something?! No offense. But I'm a human girl and I don't have time for debates. Let's chat about our feelings. That's one normal thing about geeks.

Chrissy Drama

I crumpled up the note and threw it at the geek. He watched my throw and caught the paper. Then he turned around again.

I peered over at the detention lady who was filing homework. She adjusted her glasses and frowned at me. Yawning, she ignored me.

The geek elegantly sent his paper airplane at me. It landed on my desk and I eagerly opened it.

Dear Ms. "Chrissy Drama,"

My feelings towards you are quite negative.

Sincerely, Ronan

I ripped out a sheet of paper from my binder and replied:


My feelings about you are very bad. If you truly are smart, you will make a change.

Chrissy Drama

The geek replied:

Dear Ms. "Chrissy Drama,"

The reason I hate you is because you judge me and assume I am the reason you are feeling negative. The truth is, your own self esteem is getting in the way of your affections and personal emotions. I recommend not thinking of me as a "geek" and thinking of me as a friend. If you start treating me with respect, I will also respect you.

Sincerely, Ronan

I sighed deeply and then responded.


Your expectations of me are high.

Chrissy Drama

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