015. ❛ the family madrigal ❜

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-just saying I might not have the whole encanto movie lines correct, so please be patient with me through it, thank you

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just saying I might not have the whole encanto movie lines correct, so please be patient with me through it, thank you

and italics means singing parts


"Morning Abuelo!" I greet the picture frame of Abuelo, sliding down the stairs and going into the kitchen. Through the window, some little kids popped up from a bush excitedly.

"Hey! When's the Gift gonna happen?"

"My cousin's ceremony is tonight." I replied, starting to put all the plates on the table.

"What's his gift?" I laugh...

"We're gonna find out!"

"What's your gift?" The little boy asked, shaking with excitement.

"Who's asking?" I asked smugly, with a smirk walking around the dining table.


"Well, 'us', I just can't talk about myself. I'm only part of the amazing Madrigals" I emphasized, pointing towards the family tree art on the wall.

"Who's all the amazing Madrigals?"

"Your not gonna leave alone, are you? Casita, help me out." The house happily complied, and the singing comensed!



"Doors!" All the doors shined a bright gold.

"Let's go!"

"This is our home- We've got every generation"

"So full of music, the rhythm of its own design. This is my family, a perfect constellation~" I sang, knocking on doors and walking into Isabella's room.

"So many stars! And everyone gets to shine"

"Whoa!" I presented Abuela, as she step out of her room holding elegance on her shoulders.

"But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show-"

"Whoa!" Everyone came out of there room and began dancing.

"She led us here, So many years ago-"


"And every year our families blessings grow-"

"There's just a lot you simply got to know so!" I bursted the doors open to the casita and stepped out of house.

"Welcome to the Madrigal~" Everyone walked out in line, and the casita gave all of us happy goodbye.

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