Soo sorry

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Ok I have another account and I created wings of fire and Percy Jackson ships on it. But to the main point. You don't deserve this at all. And I'm so sorry. You all deserve so much better. And I swear I've became a better writer, so I'm gonna make this chapter the best one yet. Oh ya and just so you know, I'm kinda not feeling the best so I will probably not be posting as often as I said I would. Ok enjoy 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗.


Wait were were we. Oh ya, winter was fighting Jotaro.


I blocked all of the attacks that ghost guy attempted to hit me with and hit his legs with my tail, causing Jotaro to trip and fall and I froze his arms and legs at the exact moment he tripped so he couldn't try any stunts. Jotaro cursed with pain and I just sighed. Clearly there was something he was hiding, because he was about to attack me but froze and sighed. "My moons are you tough!" I exclaimed, playing along with his act. But I just couldn't help it anymore, so I had to ask what he was hiding. He looked at me confused and just quietly said that he wasn't hiding anything. I sighed and turned to moon, who's eyes were wider than the sun. "How" she stammered. "How are you back in jade did you break the animus spell?" I looked at moon confused while kinkajou explained what happened. After she was done I looked at the corgi. "Why do you need me?" I asked. "What are you planning?" Corgi looked at me with sympathy in his eyes and sighed. "Yes well I guess it's time we told you the truth. Ever since Pantala was saved have happened. It'll be better if I show you." The little dog teleported me to a place that had some...universes in it, from what I could tell. "This" corgi started. "Is the multiverse, a bunch of universes all mushed up together. Glitches happened to that made sonic and starflight and deku and turtle all connect to one another. Sadly we got mistaken though. Your safe, don't worry. But turtle is the cause of all of this because somehow...and don't ask me how...bit somehow his magic was so strong that it could break jerboas spell and a lot of other spells that other animuses casted. So now we're here, and although we were originally planning on killing turtle so order would come back, we decided otherwise. Apparently he has this thing called DETERMINATION and it doesn't allow him to give up. So now we're helping him and that's the whole gist of it." Corgi teleported back to Pyrihha and I had a new goal in mind. Helping turtle out at any cost...even if it killed me.

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