It seems like decades

21 0 0

Bruh hear me out. I only have two tests although both of them are very major. One of them is in winter and one of them is at the end of the year. So I've been studying for that one test and that's why I haven't been able to update (I got a 96, so yay!) Anyway I'm back for more and now, please, enjoy


Why do I always forget where I last ended up at. Oh yeah, when winter swore his protection to turtle.


The corgi in the tuxedo came over to me. "Hey," he said. "Were heading out in 5 minutes so be ready." Wait what. I just met these strangers and there telling ME that I have to go on some kinda adventure AGAIN! Kill me. "Wait!" I shout. "Can I just stay here with half of the group, maybe even study for a bit?" The corgi looked at me with a blank expression. "Wimp," he muttered, but just loud enough so I could here. "Soo... is that a yes?" "No you coward your coming with us." Welp I'm dead. I can just picture- before I can finish my thought, my eyes opened up and I saw turtle with darkstalkers scroll. Wait... I could see! It wasn't just black anymore, I could really see! But turtles expression made me nervous. He looked... almost nervous, but mainly, scared. Before I could ask why, he pointed ahead and all my fears were confirmed. In front of me, was a portal. A purple portal. The pony named twilight sighed and said, "this is the way to the multiverse, where we'll be going to find out where the mysterious creature that life linked starflight, sonic, and izuku." Suddenly, a paw came out of the portal, reaching for someone. And before I could reach for my scroll, winter and the corgi jumped protectively in front of turtle, blocking him from harms way. The paw seemed to see this and retreated back into the portal. "We will be traveling through the multiverse and viewing stories, though we will not be involving in them until we find that paw." Twilight said without noticing the paw that just came through. "Ok," corgi said. "Let me list off who will be joining us." With a deep breath, the corgi read off...












Percy Jackson

Harry Potter

And Firestar

We all looked at each other, some of us had relief and some of us had terror. I wasn't among the relief group. Why do things always happen to me? "Wait," moon said suddenly. "I should come along because I have mind reading powers and can see the future!" "Welp, we have one more on the list." Corgi said. "Now let's go!" And just like that, we where sucked into the portal

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