--The Issue--

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The Detective sat high in his office with a New York Times issue in his hands a small pipe nested upon his lips smoke gently pouring out of the steamed pipe,he sat upon a cozy cushion couch lined with leather made from the wealthiest of all,

the office was like an unusual manor, books and parchment scattered on the table while several candles shone on the only by the window to reveal New York view of a cold chilly morning frost glittered in the sunlight,a soft hiss could be heard before the train blew it's whistle,

and Tubbo sat there pondering over his newspaper with utmost insist before loosing the interest in him his eyes carefully trailed over the paper until they met a familiar article that stood out than the rest,

on the cover was a lone boy heading over a microphone,his face outlined a sad prospect as if he had just undergone a sad tell tale he wore a cap and was seemed to be dressed in rags on the bottom it read,

-A Sad Tale For A Once Mistress-

12 Year old Robert Davidson and his little sister Mary Davidson where found in Miz. Puffys manor on Sunday afternoon 3:35,they both wore rags and seemed to have  many scars on there body

Miz.Puffys dead body lay motionless on the carpeted floor of the famous grand manor splattered with blood her head seemed to be almost completely gone,which was later found thrown in a bush and many of her prized possessions missing

after finding this the police officers have questioned the workers in the rich filled manor,

the maid has stated her response to the police officers questioning

''I am very distressed at Miz.Puffys horrid murder,at the time from 3:00 to 3:35 she had ordered me to clean up the main dining room for a supper she was planning to have with her friends,since then I had been cleaning up the room when I heard a loud crash like a window shattered, I quickly rushed up upstairs to her room where she was not there,

after that I found her in the main manor room after looking through many doors where I didn't see her,I finally found her severed body and the two children who work for her distressed and afraid,I rushed to their aid and soon discovered that many of her possessions where missing how scared and shallow I was!

I quickly rushed the children outside and took to call the police! however when I went outside I never found the butler who usually stood guard.''

even as the police officers where still suspicious they questioned the butler next who was the last worker in the house,

''I feel very ashamed that I was not able to quickly stop Miz.Puffys horrible beheading,as between 2:45 and 3:35 I was guarding the manor until at exactly 3:00 I excused the children between-

Tubbo crumpled the newspaper and quietly closed down his pipe,throwing it down on the floor and muttering something under his breath, the familer chill of the window caressed over him he stood up his numb legs and looked around as if admiring the unpleasant yet cozy room,

lost in his daze the door was knocked on and in came in the plump boy a little younger than The Detective himself,

he had an aroma that gave up liccorish bitterness and scented lavenders,his rugged brown coat and boots made to heavy for him and his blond hair was pinned  in all messy directions,

''Did you get the new article sir?''The plump boy waved his hand in gesture a plastered smile over his face and had his seat on a short wooden chair tucked in a corner of the small office,making sure to keep his boots settled on,

''Yes Tommy I did,it's the same artical over and over again''The Detective waved his hand penetrating an invisible stink that seemed to slither in between the dry air of the room,

''And have we got any clues to who might have done such a horrible murder?''The Tommy boy stood as still as a mouse clearly waiting for another response,

''We've already interrogated everyone we can and I think I may have a clue leading to who we need''

''and who is that? 'Tommy's curios expression urged the detective to keep his conversation going,

''well at the seen of that murder I noticed that a glove was hanging over a window pane''

Tommy face scrunched in amusement and he leaned forward to hear the Detective's talk,

''Yes Tommy it's a shame the police officers never noticed that, and to think they did their job well was a stupid mistake, anyway I took the glove and inspected it, right size shape seems well to me!''

Tommy looked as if confused as to what the Detective had said, because a quit confusion on his face lingered until he recollected his thoughts and leaned forward again,

''yes yes! so to think something might look so small yet appears so big is what I'd call this situation, you see the answer was simply hidden in the small story itself.''

The plump boy didn't have a reaction to what the Detective was saying he seemed over ally confused, they had only worked on this case for about a couple of days and the Detective already had answer to the terrible mishap?

''I know Tommy what you may think, but what I'm trying to say is that our problem is much bigger itself, they have been more murders leading to this exact point, it's simple, take an eye for example, you see things in a way that are only shown to you by your mind , but you see, our eyes like to deceive us just like our minds, what you see is not always what you think,

the scene of this horrid murder looked only smaller that's probably why the officers never got it uncovered if only they had looked closer they would have seen  the truth of the whole thing, it's much bigger than they thought

how wonderful of me to see right through this, because right now I have exactly what we need to solve this whole trail,

we are going to finish the Trail Of The Eye.''

And with that the Detective stood up and left the unsettling office.

Tommy was never fond of the unusual ways of his partner, let alone put thought into it, but sometimes the things he said just didn't make sense,

what had he meant when he had said ''Trail Of The Eye''?

But on most days even the Detective himself would forget his own applaud and come back the next day as fresh as a ripe lemon,

and that's exactly what he thought walking down on Hamliton, observing every shop and turning along very path like a never ending twisting corridor, each person that came his way bugged this path and twisted  in a different corner,

Tommy liked to think that way, like an observer who explored all his curios surroundings nonstop filling each one like a single detail, maybe that was why he and Tubbo got along so well,he never really put much thought into that-until he realized he had turned a wrong corner and stopped,

two older ladies with canes and silk dresses halted him, they each wore a fur coat sifted into a back and forth motion reaveling  the singularity of a loins fur,

"Oh dear are you not Tubbo' s partner!"The first lady,who wore a small hat with a feather replied with her lips curling into an uncomfortable smile.

"Y-Yes ma'am,I am!"Tommy took well to being complimented because of his breif role in helping the detective,

"Well I'm sure you and er-him have heard about the whole erm...Miz.Puffy situation."The funny feathered lady leaned in to a whisper looking as if no one but herself was listening,

"I sure hope you got something-a lot of ems been going on."

The lady pulled herself up and huffed looking over her shoulder at her companion,

"Ktherine let's get going,sure don't want to Miss the theatre show tonight."

the two ladies turned with a swift motion and quickly scurried toward a line of shops with colors bursting strangle from picture to picture,posters hung fancy over bars and railings,

and in between Tommy thought he spotted a tall figure rushing outside a  wall brimmed cofee shop.

1k Words

Next Update:Possibly next day if I have time.

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