--Lost --

40 1 6

''Just that one sir!''Tommy tipped of his hat in the small bakery that smelled of warm butter bread and sweet honey tea,the baker man wore a white cap and plump clothes with a striped apron that signaled his taste for baking fresh goods,

Tommy had been pointing to a loaf of honey bread and spice hidden in a tight corner of the glass shelf by a neat stack and array of baked cakes of all flavors-sweet chocolate cake with a crust of strawberry sate lined with vanilla dumplings-a gourmet vanilla swirl with banana cream,all the flavors caused a small stream drip out of the young boys mouth.

''Ay boy!don't get to invested in those pieces!unless you got the sweet cash expect no deal!''the bakers annoyed face made the boy wince and quickly retrieve a small bag of money and hand it to the man,accepting the menacing stare he had given him.

Tommy hustled out of the bakery a far as his legs would let him go,feeling trapped and lost in the street watching the other civilians go about there usual day-he remembered he had to make it to the office before 7:30 as it was now 6:45,

but first he needed to get home with the food unless his brother would curse him for ruining there only source of a nice breakfast again,so he concluded the whole situation and after some time gave his only choice to retort and run to the apartment as fast as he could,

running down off main street like a lunatic was the most expected thing for such a quit jumpy boy like Tommy,he made no stops and quickly led of a stupid apology to the woman he had bumped into on his way home-who chased after him till her gaunt body could get her no more,

the young lad snickered when her heel came off causing her to trip over a basin of pots and glass plates that shattered before her while her crazy screams frighted the man who had  been arranging them so neatly and ordered that all his work came for nothing,

in such a priceless state he managed to sneak off into the back alleyway of the tiny building and make it to the staircase fast enough skipping steps along the way while his small cloth bag of bread flew behind him,

he banged on the door trying desperately to catch his un steady breath while his brother flew it open,''Tommy get in here!''Wilbur dragged his  young brother inside the swell apartment room and quickly grabbed the bag of food. 

''About time lil bro.''Wiburs lopsided smile annoyed Tommy even more when he flopped on the plaid stripped couch,Wilbur popped in a piece of loaf in his mouth while savoring the crunchy taste,

''The quality in these don't get any better than that!''his warm smile comforted his brother and he handed him a piece,''eat up theres some milk on the table if your ever interested.''

''Thanks Wilbur.but I have to get ready for work see you later.''He dashed out of the room ignoring his brothers confused look and made it back to the bakery point on time and running to the office, ignoring the latest man with a leather bag of newspapers in his pouch.

He scaled down the vast streets until he came close to the high brick building with many glass windows shaped like long and stretched out squares, and quickly made it into the pine lined doors and into the room that was full of people and workers,

Tommy climbed up the the steps one at a time feeling into the rhythm his shoes made with each one that dragged him into the office as he sprinted down the long corridor almost empty expecting as it was to early for most to come out at work.

Finally he heaved himself up the front door of the Detectives office which was placed at the very end of the corridor and almost blending in with the wall like a camouflaged gecko,

he reverted the door and slowly knocked three times,stopping for only a second at the third one,perhaps when the door didn't open he would have knocked a second time but Tommy knew that the Detective would never let him knock a second time unless he wasn't there.

So when the boy pushed open the door to the familer office with the smell of pine and oak wood dusting up at his nose he knew something was wrong with the office,for one,

the Detective wasn't in his seat looking over documents or bent over papers  sometimes at most he would have had a usual article reading over a few things and two his office didn't look the way he had usually let the picture sit,

Tubbo always kept the picture frame of his sister turned at a slightly sideways angle but this time the picture frame was only a smidgen turned in fact,the arranged books on the bookshelf gave of a warning of inspection,behind a set of novels the Detective hid a small cabinet containing a jewel that he had found on on one of his cases which the prize owners had let him keep,

for his honey to finding the possession that earned him such a great award that no one else knew expect Tommy and him,but even that looked very much like abnormal,that was very odd in a way that sent crawling chills down Tommy's spine-like someone had been here-  someone that wasn't the detective.

Tommy had been ringing the detectives door at least four times already but still no answer,he had even took well of himself to the back door of the Detectives parlor but what remained was the steel bolt left unlatched-so he quietly crept in and inspected the warm building,

to no avail as things seemed odd in the office they were perfectly as told in the house,there had been traces of blood like someone had been dragged outside while a shattered window,he also found the detectives coat hanging on a broken coat hanger while some of the plates and dishes had been broken-like someone had thrown them hoping it as a defense.

The picture itself seemed most likely unusual as Tommy had felt that a pair of eyes traced where still set on him-on the very spot he had stood in the warm yet suffocating room as if he wasn't supposed to be here but he where,

the uncanny feeling made the young and frighted boy quilt hustle back out of the house,and as he walked back to his own house he noticed a letter that nestled on the table that stood on the tiny lawn,


24 teerts rerehw 

                              oury tectivede slahl emairn.-.---

Tommy quickly led himself to turn around a small corner.


Next Update:Tommorow If I have the time

Sorry for the late upload :D

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