Chapter 2

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Cameron's POV:Saturday has come and it's time to head to CALIFORNIA to a Hollywood Undead concert.Me and Kristie are heading to the airport to meet up with Jason to get on the plane to California we said goodbye to mom and headed in the airport,We find Jason and he says "Ragan,Eli,Its time to Go To Cali!" We hand a nice guy our stuff and we watch him take it to the bag transportation thing then we walk around the airport then a voice calls out "Flight to California Leaving in 1 Hour and 30 min.." we rush to the gate and hands the nice lady our regular flight tickets she says "First class..." we shrug and goes to the first class we set down I set in the middle.FF IN CALIFORNIA.We got off the plane when a Lemo driver walks up to us saying "Cameron Ragan?" I nod saying "Me..." he says "Right this way..." we follow him and gets into the limo Kristie says "What about our Stuff,Sir?" He says "In the back..." Kristie Nods as the limo drives to a really Fancy hotel and parks the Limo We get out as the limo driver says "By the way my name is Linard,And leave your things in the back and go to room 214.." we nod suspiciously and walks to the room 214 and I knock Kristie says "Why did WE get a limo and first class?" Jason shrugs as the door flys open and Jordan Terrell appears our jaws drop open and Jordan says "May I Help You?" Jorel says "Jordan who's at the-Shit!" Our jaws didn't close but Kristie tried to say something it just came out as random letters Jorel Yanks us in the hotel room saying "Children You live here,There are rules....All of us live here,but the rules are
1.No screaming while someone is Hungover.
2.No Fighting.
3.No telling Others that you live with a Famous band..
4.No touching us..." Jason says "Dont you wanna know our names?" Jordan nods and I say "I'am Cameron Ragan,This is my little stepsister Kristie Eli,and My best friend since Pre-School Jason Osy..." Jordan says "Ragan?" Kristie yanks him into another room and tells him something then they come back out Jorel says "The others will be back in a few so try not to bother them..." I nod then The door flies open and loud talking fills the Hotel room Me,Kristie, and Jason stood next to eachother Dylan looks at me then says "George...Have you had a son before Ava?" George says "I dunno unless Katie Got pregnant and didn't tell me...Whats your name kid?" I say "Cameron Ragan...Why?" He then says "Is your moms name Katie Ferriah?" I nod then he says "Welp,Hello Son." Kristie says "Shit..." I get mad charging for him yelling "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE MY MOTHER!?" Dylan hold me back and George says "She was a Slut... She hoped on my Dick for money...." I get angrier and Stronger I get out of Dylan's grip and tackles George to the ground throwing punches at his face Jason,Dylan,And Jordan pulls me off the knocked out George and throws me on the couch I human growl saying "I wanna go home Jason..." He says "Nope,We just got here.." Kristie says "he has to Jason,He attacked somebody he won't be able to sleep without mom being there to hold him.." Jorel says "We always Got King Kong..." I look at Jorel saying "Never would I ever sleep with someone I'am not related to,and I'am not sleeping with that Fucker!" Kristie says "I would sleep with you but in your sleep you'd crush me like a bug..." I look at her with pleasing eyes she sighs loudly saying "Fine...".FF 8:30.I was slouching on the couch watching some kind of cop show with Dylan,Jordan, And Jason,My stomach Growls for food I hold it blushing a little Jason says "We want Food...." Dylan says "You up for Pizza?" Me and Jason nods and Dylan gets up putting his shoes on and tying them yelling "GOING TO GET PIZZA,BE BACK IN A MINUTE!" And walks out the door I stand up taking my Black Hoodie off and softly places it on the couch Jordan says "We only got seven beds,The seventh on is extra,You and Kristie has to sleep with one of the guys..." I say "We'll sleep on the couch..." Jordan says "Mkay..." I walk toward the kitchen when I hear the others and Kristie talking,George must be awake,I walk in and start to the fridge I get halfway when A arm wraps around my waist I look at it then looks at the face,Matthew,I sigh saying "Mister,Can you let me to the fridge?" He pulls me close then snuggles into my Neck I push away and opens the fridge,AHA! Monster Energy Drinks,exactly what I wanted I grab one Then closes the fridge door taking a sip from the drink I hear "WHO WANTS PIZZA?" I put my Monster down on the island I walk to Dylan he had the pizza setting on the counter beside the door I grab it and runs to the kitchen I softly place it down saying "Pizza anyone?" Matt smirks then takes a piece I take a piece then grabs my monster and sets on the floor with my back facing a corner I eat all of my pizza and chugs the rest of my drink down I burp saying "Time go bed!" After I said that Dylan and Matt fought over who I got to sleep with,I stand up and grabs Their ears pulling them apart saying "My Choice.." I let go of Dylan's ear and looks at Matt saying "where I sleep?" He grabs my hand then drags me to his room I set down on his bed taking one shoe off and throwing it in a corner and does the same with the other one I take my shirt off and leaves my pants on because I had sweatpants on I crawl to the front of the bed and lays down and gets under the covers as soon when I was relaxed I felt arms wrap around my waist I jump when Matt says "Calm down,Its just me..." I turn and face him and snuggles into his chest He puts a leg over me whispering "Mine.." I smile putting a arm over him whispering "All Mine..." He chuckles saying "Go to Sleep boy..." I look at his face which towers over me and kisses his jawline I reach a hand up pulling him down and kisses his Lips we started to make out but he stops it saying "If Dyl finds out he'd kill us Both...." I frown and turns over from facing him he says "Common Cam,Don't act like that..." I get up and walks to Dylan knowing he's not asleep he looks at me saying "Change ya Mind?" I nod rubbing one eye Jorel says "Geez kid,Dont you eat?" I ignore him Dylan stands saying "Iamma take him to bed..." I jump on his back and he holds the bend of my knees and walks to his room I jump off his back and into his bed I laid on my side Dylan turned the light out and jumps into bed He wraps his arms and legs around me I turn to face him He Kisses my cheek I move closly to him He's warm I get half way asleep when I feel A tongue lick my neck I groan saying in a nice tone "Dylan,Stahp..." He grunts whispering "Iam gonna help you with your problem..." I blush is the dark I stuff my face in his neck I lick it then starts to suck his head shoots back and quiet moans escape his mouth His hands rub down to my sweatpants He looks at me then yanks My pants off i was cold He takes his shirt and pants off I roll on top of him and sets on his stomach he says "What if George finds out?" I snarl my lip up saying "I don't care about him..." I reach back and grips his member He moans "Ohhhh Fuck.." He pulls me down to his face then Kisses me His soft lips got me My member got harder he smiles in the kiss He pulls his underwear off then pulls mine off I crawl down to his member I lick the tip then puts it in my mouth. OFF MORNING. I woke up naked and hurting I stretch I slide my underwear on And my skinny jeans they fit like a regular pair of pants would on me I slide a shirt on then walks out smelling Food I follow the smell into the kitchen i smile then I hear yelling "YOU JUST GO AND FUCK ANOTHER GUY!" I walk into the Living room saying "What the Hell Is going on here?" Dylan looks at me saying "Mattys mad..." I look at Matt saying "He's yours...Not mine...." Matt glares saying "You are to never touch him again..." Dylan whines "But Matty," Matt Grumbles "Don't 'but Matty' Me!" Matt leaves the room then Dylan pulls me close I groan saying "Dylan! He told me not to touch you..." Dylan looks up at me saying "Fine! Leave Then!" I Push out of his grip And puts my converse on and storms out the hotel room when I left I slammed the door I walk outside and onto the side walk as I walked I think 'where to go,where to,SLIPKNOTS PLACE!' Corey knows me from a thing he did I was like in the middle of everybody I wasn't supposed to be in the building cause my mom stole something now our whole family can't go in but he saw me and I ran,I walk up to the huge house then knocks on the door Corey opens it saying "Well,If it isn't the run away boy,Cameron right?" I nod saying "Can I stay here for a few days?" He nods saying "Why not?" I walk in taking my shoes off and walks to the living-room I flop down on the couch Corey says "Cam,Sid is in his room if you want to DJ shit out..."I smirk then heads to Sids room I knock then walks in seeing Sid DJing I close the door then sets beside him on his bed taking over He stops me saying "Wow,When did the run-away get better at DJing?" I say "A couple of days ago..." He scoots closer About to ask another question but George Burst through the door saying "Son! What the hell are you doing?" I glare saying "Can't I ever get away from you people?!" Jason had his head down mumbling curse words at himself I look at Sid saying "I'll text you later..." he nods and I walk to Jason and puts a arm around his shoulder saying "Jason,Dont Cuss yourself..." If I didn't tell you Jason is one year younger than me,He frowns nodding I walk to A car I open the door seeing Dylan in the passenger side I mumble "Fucker.." and pushes Jason in the car I get in and slams the door I huff looking out the window....
A/N:Having fun reading? Go check out my other stories and my stories from my old account:BasicallyIDoWrkH2O.

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