How That Happend

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Before I start I'd like to think lucky_number13 for mentioning this..
Jorel's POV:I was slouching in the couch scrolling through Twitter when one of my Favorite followers tweeted "I wish that @Johnny333tears wher my dad,I'd have the best life!" I smile but looks at His name 'CRCraze' I message him saying "What is your name kid?" He messages back "Cameron Ragan,Why?" I message back "Your moms name?" He messages "Katie Ferriah..." I drop my phone and Jordon rushes in saying "Are you okay?! Did anything happen to you?" I Give a blank look saying "I-I found George's long lost son...".FF MIN LATER.Me and Jordon got off the Phone with fancy people he called in for first class and I called a limo...
A/N:There ya go,Thats how the fancy's happend...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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