t w e n t y n i n e

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After the presentation day, they started to focus more on studying. Eunkyung had been constantly at Seungmin's house to study Science – as what she said and he couldn't refuse. The princess wouldn't leave unless they got to learn something that day.

However for today, as in Friday, she couldn't make it to his house. Seungmin somehow felt relief. He tried to avoid her especially after she seemingly got close with Jisung again. Maybe keeping a decent distance between himself and her would be the best choice.

He hated seeing her with Jisung, yet he didn't want to break their friendship. After a few weeks of observing, he knew it's hard for Eunkyung to throw her best friend away just by listening to Seungmin's story. It was not fair. Also, Jisung haven't done anything bad towards the princess.

Seungmin thought he was only trying to break them apart. He hated himself for it.

So he tried not to dwell with the problems too much and just look after her from afar, just like what he had done for years.

They got into the car. The king and the queen, four princesses and a driver.

Eunkyung leaned her head to the window. Eunji was facing her while reading the kingdom's history book (yes, she haven't finished it yet due to procrastinating). Next to the sister was Eunsoo who had a calm face on as she looked out to see the road while Eunhee, who sat next to Eunkyung was revising for her exam.

It was boring. Moreover when she had to see Eunji's face for hours of ride.

The last princess stretched after half an hour cramping in the same position. It almost hit Eunhee's face but the older dodged it without looking up. Her eyes were practically glued on the pages. Pursing her lips at the reaction, this time Eunkyung lightly nudged Eunji with her leg.

She looked up, "What?"

"Speak nicely, Eunji." Eunsoo reminded.

The sister sighed while Eunkyung snickered, "Read what you're reading out loud."

"Do you take me as a story teller?"

"It's been a few weeks and you still haven't finished it! Why not read it for me because I have motion sickness." the last princess tilted her head in attempt to be cute while batting her eyelashes. Eunsoo stifled a laugh at her action.

Eunji threw a disgusted look before raising the book to her face level, not wanting to see Eunkyung's face. The youngest huffed. "Eunsoo eonnie,"

"i AsKeD hEr nIcelY bUt sHe woN't dO iT," Eunji mocked her with a tongue sticking out and an eye roll. "That's what every last child tells their mom."

"I did ask nicely."

"How about me reading it for you?" Eunsoo worked as the peacemaker. Eunji immediately handed her the book, not wanting to read for her youngest sister. The eldest flipped through the pages. "Eunji is still stuck at the economy history."

"I'm trying to understand it."

"That's why you shouldn't drop your economy subject." Eunkyung brought her legs on the seat to make herself comfortable. "You're nearly 22."

Eunji crossed her arms, "At least I replaced it with science subjects."

"Science people are so boring."

Hearing that, Eunhee raised her head with a judging look. The youngest child glanced to her book and spotted some chemical reactions. She chuckled nervously.

"Shouldn't Eunsoo eonnie start?"

"Eonnie, no." Eunhee held a hand in front of the eldest and put her book aside. Eunkyung groaned.

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now