f i f t y f o u r

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The treatment centre was a chaos.

Four men barged in with a stretcher on top of their shoulders, carrying an unconscious body to the emergency room.

"Make way! Make way!"

"He's losing so many blood!"

"Look for suitable blood types in the storage!"

A crying Eunkyung followed suit. She was fully drenched with a towel covering her upper body but she could care less. The princess desperately wanted to catch up but her body felt so weak. Luckily Yoongi was quick to hold her from collapsing. Just then a man dashed past them.

Seungmin's father.

Her heart cracked more when remembering the boy was the only family member Archer Kim had. His begs to the nurse to save his son rang in her ears. Eunkyung couldn't hold it any longer. She hugged her brother and cried loudly with tons of apologies.

She regretted everything. From the beginning till the end.

"Eunkyung," Yoongi softly called. His uniform was already wet. "Let's find a sit first, you're burning up."

The princess muttered incoherent words while shaking her head. Her tears would not stop falling. Her fists clenched tightly and hit Yoongi's chest weakly.

"M... mina..."

"Hey, hey," the prince stroke her shoulders. "Seungmin's fine, he will be fine–"

"H– he..."

"He is strong. He won't leave, alright?" Yoongi felt a limp in his throat. His world crumbled down seeing Eunkyung in this state again. The last time he saw her like this was during Mina's death.

And it's happening again.

The crowned prince shut his eyes tightly. People were watching, and he did not want to be vulnerable in front of his crying sister. She needed support and he's the only one who's there for her right now.

Even though it seems useless because Eunkyung kept repeating her name, it's better than leaving her alone. Yoongi brought the girl to the hallway that led to the emergency room. They found Archer Kim in huge distress as he paced back and forth.

Sensing the presence, the man turned to them.

"You." his growled.

"Archer Kim," Yoongi tried to calm him down but the man marched towards the girl.

"Look at what you've done, Your Highness." he said between gritted teeth with pools forming in his eyes. "Look at where you're putting my son now."

Eunkyung gripped on the towel tighter. Her pupils trembled when meeting the red ones.

Before he could speak anything more, the princess was suddenly on her knees.

That shocked everyone in the hallway. Even Archer Kim was startled. He took a step back as his lips wavered. "Y-your highness..."

"I truly apologise!" she cried, finally letting her pride down. At this moment, the girl put all the blame on her for being the main reason why his son had to go through all of this. This played in her mind awhile ago; she needed to stay back to let him breathe but because of her unbearable feelings, the got together.

She wished that didn't happen.

She wished her heart was strong enough to let him go earlier.

"I truly am, Archer Kim." her voice sounded so fragile. "Believe me when I say I do not intend to put him in this situation. Please," she scoot closer to the man's leg and almost hug his feet but he backed away. Her tears dropped on the tiles. "Believe me that I wanted to cut things off with him f-for his own good but– but I was so blinded with my own feelings, I–"

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now