f o r t y f i v e

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"The crowned prince has arrived."

The door opened. Yoongi walked in with two guards guarding behind him. He followed the red carpet until reaching the king who had a surprised look on while talking with one of the knights.

The oldest child bowed. He eyed the knight who was talking to the king and he immediately left. The king furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

"To let you know it's time for you to take action, father." he stood firm on the floor. "I heard Eunkyung has been caught, and there's still no progress?"

"You cannot come unless if I tell you so, Yoongi!" the king raised his voice. Because of this, his daughters in the main office could hear the commotion. Eunhee quickly got out and ran down the stairs when seeing her brother.


"Get into your room, Eunhee."

However, the princess did not listen. She engulfed Yoongi in a hug and the brother did the same. It wasn't long until she pulled it away and stood next to him.

"You cannot hide me from Yunseo until the world ends, father. You are not going to take action towards him so I am here to change that."

Eunji appeared from behind. She had a wide smile on before hugging her brother, "Welcome back."

Yoongi nodded once as his attention was still on the king, "Any news about Eunkyung?"

"Yes, there is," Eunji chirped in. "Seungmin and Felix came earlier because yesterday two men raided the hospital to search for Seungmin. They went ten o'clock from the back of the hospital."

The king snapped his head towards her, "Why didn't they tell me?"

"I stopped them." Eunhee replied. "Because you would follow your guilt sense and let Yunseo go again, just like other times. He had put Arin in danger and now Eunkyung, but because of your guilt, he is still free out there."

"Min Eunhee," the king growled but Yoongi put an arm in front of her.

"Let me take care of this, father." he simply said before his voice echoed, "Knights!"

A maid shivered behind the pole when seeing the knights gather around and listened to Yoongi's command. She held the paper in her trembling hands tightly.

"I thought... the paper is still here? W-when h-how did the crowned prince come so f-fast?" she stuttered when knowing the paper she was holding was a command from Yunseo. She just got it around thirty minutes ago, but Yoongi is already here?

"Ah... should I give this?" she contemplated but then a hand snatched the paper away. The woman gasped when she recognised the tall princess with her signature blue tiara on top of her head, "H-her royal highness,"

"So you're the one who my sister talked about," Eunsoo calmly spoke while opening the letter. She read it with a glance and chuckled softly, "You must know where Eunkyung is right now."

The maid shook her head in fear. She instantly kneel down and rubbed both palms together as she whimpered, "P-please your highness I did not know m-much about his plan and where t-they are right now I swear! Please princess please,"

Her facial expression fell from smiley to void. The princess crumpled the letter and threw it next to the begging woman, "For how long?"

"Your highness, I promise I will not–"

"How long have you been working for him, I am asking you."

Her voice brought shivers. The calm and soft spoken princess she knew suddenly disappeared, replacing it with someone she did not know. For years she's been working at the castle, this was the first time she saw Eunsoo like this.

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now