Second Chance?

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Lynn POV

Waking up today I was feeling a little better. Who would've thought that my sweet Logan was a cheating scumbag that only wanted one thing...cookie. Suddenly my door opened to reveal my brother and Blake. With food!

"Oh God I hope you didn't make this DJ cause if you did I'm not eating it. You're only good at making French toast." I said.

"Oh hahaha I made French toast but Blake made the rest. I knew that every time I give you food you think it's poison." DJ huffed.

"How are you two siblings?" Blake asked giving me the tray.

"Different mama's." We said in unison and we all burst into a fit of laughter. "Alright boys out I want to see Keijah."

"You don't wanna talk to me?" Blake asked with his bottom lip out. I was about to answer when the door bell rung. I jumped up and ran to the door. It's kinda of a habit. I make it down and open it with a smile that quickly turned into a scowl.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked the tramp from last night.

"How rude! I'm trying to get you two back together and you disrespect me! You trash you should be lucky he wants you back you mon-" Was all she said before I gave dat hoe a nose bleed.

"Tell you what..." I leaned down over her," you go back to whoever sent yo stank ads and tell him sending the bitch you were screwing behind my back to my house to apologize makes you look so stupid. I ain't coming back. And while you're at it don't bother me either. Not me, DJ, Blake, Keijah, no one. You're a whore you should stay on the bottom where you belong. There's a difference between go getter and a prostitute. See ya!" I backed away and slammed the door in her face.

Turning around I came face to chest. "Dang it! Why you so close?" I asked rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhear everything. I stopped messing with her after your first' date' with Mr cheater. I couldn't drag her along and flaunt her in your face because I knew I was pushing you farther away from me. It was because of me that you're in this situation. If I wasn't so stuck on making you jealous you wouldn't have noticed that guy." He had a sad face. I pulled his head down and stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. He chuckled,"you're so short."

"Shut up!" I said playfully mushing his face. "Aww!" We both turned to see Keijah with a huge smile on Her face." So cute!"

"Oh shut up we were just should've saw me glock that whore from last night." I said heading back upstairs to my room. She followed and said,"I wish, aye what you wearing tonight?" Tonight there was a home game and we were going to get my mind off of last night's events.

"Something dope, I gotta look flawless!" I flipped my hair causing both of us to burst out laughing. I was gonna pull off a short shorts look today. Camo shorts, west coast white shirt, chanel hood, accessories, shades, and Jordans.

It was time to leave and get to the arena meaning we left almost two hours before the actual game's starting time.

"Keijah let's go! Ain't nobody tryna see you!" I yelled as me and DJ Sat in the car. Keijah came rushing out to the car with her purse in hand.

"Y'all know you can't rush perfect." She said defending herself. "Girl you spent two hours getting ready and you wearing a tank top and shorts!" DJ exclaimed pulling out the drive. "If I'm late so help me God you are facing Doc!" He continued.

"I had to accessorize." I heard her mumble under her breath. "You two need to shut up and get your minds set on the game. Now....less bickering more music!" I turned on the radio and nyemiah supreme came blasting through.

"Don't ask me no questions bout nobody else!" I sung along with the song jamming it out with DJ and Keke.


"Girl curse in my car and imma tell yo mama." DJ interrupted me.

"Fine." I continued rapping and blocking out explicit words along the way.

We had finally made it to the arena and DJ parted ways with us to go join the guys in the locker room. We made it out to the floor. We sat and watched some of the guys practice from both teams. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see who it was.....Logan.

"What? Are you stalking me now?" I questioned.

"No we need to talk and you're gonna listen! Penelope means nothing to me! I want you! Please give me a second chance!"

" never really know what you have until it's gone!" He grabbed my arm and I heard the guys coming over.

"Hey man you need to back up!" Blake said.

"I advise you leave my sister alone before I have you swallowing yo teeth!" My bother threatened.

"And don't let me get started!" I heard my cousin say.

He backed away saying,"this ain't over!"

"Like Hell!" Blake growled out.

"Guys go get ready I'll be ok." I told them as they kept the questions coming. They left to get ready for the game and me a Keke ordered food and drinks and stuffed our faces with good.

"Blake with lob to Jordan...Whoa!" The announcer exclaimed. I swear that man is always hyped. It was long before the game was over and we waited out back for the guys.

"And I was like really bitch?" My cousin had me rolling with laughter. She was telling me about her dream and the confrontation with some THOT as she called her. "The THOT didn't even give me my drank so I beat that ass!"

"Ay can I borrow her for a second?" I heard Blake question on his way over to us." Sure!" Keke gave me away willingly.

We walked off to a familiar corner." This place is very familiar." I said to Blake. He blushed before speaking up.

"Um yeah it know if that guy bothers you you know I got you right?"

"Even if I said no you still would so yeah." I giggled causing him to smile.

"Lynn will you go out with me?" He asked after a moment of silence. I thought about it. Eh it won't hurt.

"Sure where to?"

"Oh...I haven't thought about that I thought you were gonna say no." He looked away shyly. Aww!
"Well tomorrow tell me cause I'm a little tired."

"I could come over and rock you to sleep." He replied with a smirk. There's my Blake.

"Boy shut up and let's go." I walked off with him following closely and at times he would grind against me causing me to look up and glare at him. All he'd do is reply with a cheeky smile. We made it home and I did my nightly routine and went to sleep.

Thanks for reading luvs! ❤

Kate and Blake eh?

Logan still wanting to be in the picture ugh! he's a headache


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