Keeping it a Secret...

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Lynn POV

Waking up I couldn't get what happened yesterday out of my head. His words haunted my sleep and had the worst things going through my head. Why would he still want me when he could have anyone he wants? It was the question constantly nagging me.
A knock at my door caused me to snap out of it. "Come in." Blake opened my door and walked in and sat on the side of my bed leaning down to kiss my forehead, but I mushed his face away. "No kiss?"


"So you don't want to kiss me?"

"No." He snuck a kiss and chuckled when I tried to wipe it away. "What's got you so grumpy this morning?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not grumpy, do I sound like something's wrong?" He slightly frowned and asked, "Yeah what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I stated. "Fine." He dropped it. "So whatcha wanna do today baby?"

"Baby?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah you're mine, so you're my baby." He stated with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed. "You don't own me...I'm not property."

"I know that...but we belong together." He said in a sing song voice. "Alright Mariah." I said laughing he chuckled at my silliness. "What you gonna wear tonight?"

"What's with you and all these questions?"

"They wanna know everything."

"We'll you'll see and I don't want you in my room when I return."

"I can't promise you that...I like seeing you naked." He said with a creepy smile. "Creep." "You like it."

I walked into the bathroom closing it behind me. I turned on the shower Hopping in after it was warm enough. I was so in my own world that I didn't realize the person standing outside the shower. I started to scream but realized it was Blake.
"Blake What the hell are you doing in here?!?" I screeched. The shower glass was crystallized so you couldn't see straight through although you could see the silhouette. "You told me not to be in your room so I came in here to watch."

"Well get out this is an invasion of my privacy!" I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around me walking out the shower I saw Blake standing there and boy was he...happy. "If I were you I'd hurry and put my clothes on before you end up against the wall with your legs wrapped around my waist and me pounding-"

"Ok! I get it!" I said quickly scurrying past him to the closet. Today we were going to the game and I decided to wear something dope(at the beginning of chapter). Pulling on my outfit I hear a groan come from my bathroom followed by Blake coming out with a look of relief on his face. Did he do what I think he did?

"I'm done." I said grabbing my things and heading out the door to the kitchen. I saw that Deandre was cooking breakfast and dancing to Flex by Rich Homie Quan. "DeAndre!" I exclaimed causing him to jump around with a frightened look on his face. Haha scary ass.

"What girl! You scared the hell out if me!"

"Nothing I just wanted to let you know I was woke and ready."

"You better be we have a early game today so we need to eat up quick." He explained. All I'm eating is the French toast. "Ok bro." He got done and we fixed our food, after me forcing the bad food down we were finally done and on our way to the arena. Me and Keijah joked in the back while the guys talking about the game today. Blake would occasionally glance at me through the rearview and I would look away.

Finally making it to the arena we and the guys separated to our destinations. When we made it courtside I saw Logan sitting courtside with some other guys. No no no not today. I sat on the other side of the guys and far away from Logan whose eyes were glued to me. The guys came out and in this big ass arena I felt so much tension between Blake and Logan and it was intoxicating.

When the game started everything was going good for me. Blake was leading in scores and Logan hadn't uttered a word to me. But all good things come to an end.

"Lynn." Ignore him.

"LYNN!" "What Logan?" I asked feeling agitated. "All this time and I don't get a proper hello?"


"No hello."

"Yes bye."

"I still have feelings for you."

"Well lose them." I stated. I was done with this conversation and him. Why can't he leave me the hell a lone? The clipper's ended up winning and we headed home. Blake wouldn't stop nagging me about this morning and I was to irritated to keep it away from him any longer.

"Fine Blake you wanna know what's wrong with" I handed him my phone showing him the message. His face went from confusion to anger in a millisecond. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked scarily calm.

"Because I didn't want you to freak out." I stated with my head down. There was silence. Then all of a sudden I feel his arms engulf me in a warm tight embrace." You should know that you can tell me anything... I love you." He said and I tensed up at his last three words.

"Uh I - I think I should go now." He was about to get up but I grabbed his arm. "No wait, I'm not 100 percent in love with you, but I really really like you." That brought a genuine smile to his face. He came over and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Lynn."

"Goodnight Blake." And with that he left and I replayed those words...he loves me.

Thanks for reading luvs! I really hope you enjoyed it and what's up with Logan! Dudes a serious stalker!


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