Emerina Peltz

"Thank you everyone who came out to spend time with us tonight in palm springs safe travels and goodnight" Harry shouts into he mic closing the show as confetti is everywhere as well all shout thank you and we walk out backstage hearing the cheers start to fade.

"That was actually so good" I grab Zayn's bicep shaking it in excitment

"Yeah you and Harry are really good at pretending to be attracted to each other" Zayn chuckles

"oh shes no pretending she is Zayn" Harry snarkly says

"You know thats no true so stop" I shove him playfully

"Well it's denfiently not me" He shoves me away a little to hard

We were joking i dont know why he has to react like that anytime i call him out on something. We all head our seperate ways after that awkard interacion to get our stuff together so we can leave to go out. After I grab my things and head out my room i see harry across rom me we walk together yet not together at all to he back lot where the boys went to go get the car and wait for us.

Harry pushes open the doors letting all the slight July chill inside the warmth of the arena as i follow behind him hopping in the backseat since Niall took shotgun. The drive to the club honestly isn't very quiet i'm just not saying much because of how tired i am and how pissed off at Harry I still am then all of a sudden i get a weird deja vu almost

"Zayn? Is this the same car we drove last time from our palm springs tour"

"Yeah it is why?" He says still chuckling from whatever Him Niall and Harry are talking about

I don't answer his why and he seemed to get carried away anyways but the last time me and harry were both in this car we were in he drivers and passenger side just us from our second week before tour was about to end

1 year and 6 months before

"Harry stop!" I swat his arm away from him trying to keep playfully shoving my arm

"You're so sensitive A when are you gonna stop?" He chuckles grabbing my hand placing a delicate kiss on it

"I can't help it Harry maybe be nicer" i laugh unbuckling my seatbelt as he puts the car in park

"I like to think i'm very nice. to you especially" He murmurs in a low deep tone turning to face me inches away from my lips

"oh really?"

"mhmm" He murmurs leaning in taking my lips into his

Present day

"Em!" Niall shouts waking me up from my zoning out

"Oh what sorry i was thinking" I say running my hands through my hair looking out the window to see the blurring club lights and line of people waiting outside the front to get in

I hop out of the car slamming the door behind me following the boys into the club, the second i walk in is flashing strobe lights, drugs, and the smell of alchol so strong i could pass out if i took more than one shot of it.

I head up to the bar with everyone

"Can i get a round of a dozen tequila shots" Niall asks the bartender and i see the drinks being prepared

I also see Harry leave to go mingle around, I see him in a dark corner talking to a tall dirty blonde girl with shoes that make her nearly taller than harry and shes defiently at least 5 years older than him to. Niall taps me signalling to Harry as well that we all need to take a shot or two

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