𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘈𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 | 3.

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She says as she comes up to Gon, who is interacting with other students, and tosses her backpack at him, surprising him and catching it. She sighs and settles into her seat, drawing the attention of the other girl on her phone next to her. "What do I do?" She consults her friend.

"Wait. What? Why?"

"I don't know." She pauses to ponder. "I'm gonna tell you later."

"Tell me what?" Retz then notices Killua enter into the classroom and put his bag on his seat, making her blush, and take off her bag, and he goes up to Gon and the other students, puts his arm around Gon's shoulder, making him crimson. "That's odd." She says as she turns her gaze away from Gon and Killua towards the door.


When they heard a similar voice, which was Palm, the classroom became quiet. "Whoa. What the fuck?" Palm is told by one of the guys. "Get off there you stink." She urges Zushi to get off her desk as soon as possible. "Oh, okay. My bad."

"What's the big deal? Sorry." He says while wiping off the desk with his uniform sleeve. "Cut it out! You're so dirty." She says as she hits his arm with her purse, causing him to flinch. "Hey, what the hell?"

"Hey, just let it go." Gon says as he wraps his arms around Zushi and drags him back. Then they all hear the school bell ring. "What the hell is your problem?" Before returning to his seat, one of the teenagers adds. "What I do that was so wrong? Tell me what I do." Zushi asks Palm, bewildered, before being dragged away by Gon and returning to his seat.

"Hey, you punks."

Bisky remarks as she approaches to the front of the classroom. "Come on guys. Take your seats. Come on, move it." She commands as everyone returns to their seats. "Good morning." She greets everyone, and they all greet her back. "Time to hand-in your phones." She says as everyone puts their phone in the box. "Who's in touch with Machi?" She asks the class. "Nobody?"

"So none of you had tried calling her today?"

"Uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven't seen her since." One of the students says, clearing his throat. "Okay." Biscuit sighs deeply. "If anyone hears from her, some time the next few days, let me know right away, okay?"

"Okay." The class replies to the teacher as she takes one of the students' phones and searches through it and finds a group chat. "Exams start next week, so get your acts together."

"Hey, your phone." One of the male students whispers to him, making the other nervous. Shit. Bisky then types a smiley face and sends it to the conversation, causing cellphones around the classroom to buzz. "I heard that. Hand over your phones please." Bisky repeats as two of the pupils rise up and hand over their phones.

"Retz." Bisky calls out to Retz. "This is your phone from last year." She says holding up the phone making the class laugh and murmur. "Take it, please." Retz merely stares at her from a distance, causing the class to laugh even louder, echoing around the room.

"Take it now."

Retz stands up from her seat and walks over to the teacher, glancing at her before taking the phone and handing her the other phone before returning to her seat.

"Thank you." Before putting the package away, she smiles.
"Uh, hello, Mr. Sato." Bisky replies to Kenji's welcome. "Uh, hello there." He says as he closes the door behind him. "Uh, you know Machi Komacine from my class? She didn't make it home last night. And..." she adds before continuing. "The kids haven't seen her since she was cleaning the science lab yesterday."

Kenji nods his head in understanding. "Oh really?" She pauses before responding. "Do you remember seeing her by any chance?" In response, he shakes his head. "No, I haven't," he answers, his voice trembling slightly. She sighs before proceeding. "Uh, so yesterday you went home without stopping by the science lab, right?"

"That's what I told you." He casts a glimpse around the room before returning his gaze to her. "I..." she adds, frustratedly laughing. "... I'm sorry." He nods in response to what she said. "Apparently, no one seen her since she was in here, so..." she continues as a metal clanking is heard by both of them, leading them to gaze towards the lab's shuttered window. "Is someone in there?" She says while staring back at him. He slowly turns and redirects his gaze to her before responding, "Yeah." He points the lab room. "It's just a hamster.


"I should probably get ready for class." He says while smiling at her. "Oh, okay. Thanks." She bows at him, and he bows back at her. "Hmm." He observes as she opens and closes the door before entering the room. The girl who is tied up next to the window can be heard breathing heavily in the room. He settles into the chair and begins filming himself. "A student was bit by the hamster." He pauses before continuing, as muffled moans can be heard behind him. "I injected her with benzodiazepine..." He says while sighing and looks back at the camera. "It's only slowing down the infection by a few hours..." Machi's muffled groaning can still be heard over the surrounding commotion. He turns around and looks at her, his eyes widening at the sight.
Muffled snarling can be heard reverberating throughout the room as she struggles to break free from her restraints. Fuji then inserts the needle into her flesh, causing her to move, causing her bones to crack and groan much louder than before. He then removes the needle, staring at her before rising up and looking down, and notices her panting and nostrils flaring.

"Don't kill me." She murmured, making it more difficult for her to talk. She whimpers as he lowers his height and approaches her. "Don't kill you? Don't bother having any hope." He says to her as her breaths lessen and passes out.
"A virus... is somewhere between a living organism and a non-living organism."

Kenji says as he scribbles on the board. While some of the youngsters are on their phones or completing their studies, Hisoka observes the video and then puts his phone back down, smirking. "Like a living organism, it adapts to its surroundings and evolves." Hisoka moves his desk closer to the female and touches her hair, causing her to shudder and glance back at him. As he continues to toy with her hair, she returns her attention to the physics book. "Mr. Sato, the textbook says a virus is not an independent living organism." The boy says as Kenji turns around and looks at him.

"Whether or not it's categorized that way doesn't depend its metabolism, but its will to survive." As he says this, Hisoka starts writing 'I'm jol sexy' on her white jacket, which causes the kids to giggle, causing the girl's tears to stream down her face. "If its will is so strong..." He comes to a halt as he notices the class staring at the girl. Hisoka smirks as he draws a heart with a crimson marker next to the phrase. Kenji then goes on, "The instinct to survive actually surpasses intelligence. And eventually the ecosystem is dominated by that will. Humanity has never once completely defeated a virus."

He then grabs the remote and changes the source on the screen. "Leucochloridium paradoxum. This parasite's final destination is a bird." He walks to the chalkboard. "The parasite enters a snail and infects its ocular tentacles. That makes the snail put itself in the path of predatory birds. So the infected snail commits suicide at the whim of the parasite." As the video continues to play, he says, "Tell me. Now, is that because the snail is less intelligent?" The students exchange glances before returning their gaze to the teacher, who smiles. "It's not. It's because the parasite's will to survive is much stronger than the snail's." The girl is still weeping, as Hisoka pulls her head back. "Shut up when the teacher's talking." He whispers to her before letting her head go. "Keep your head up."

"The evolving and hereditary will to survive is... the sole standard by which living organisms are defined." He finishes before being asked by one of the students. "So is the textbook wrong?" Kenji smiles and looks at the boy and responds, "The textbook?" says Kenji, smiling and looking at the boy. "It's wrong." He says as his smile fades and he and the students proceed to watch the rest of the film.
Words: 1442
A/N: I was gonna write more but then I got tired. I'll try posting another chapter tomorrow. 😭

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