Chapter VI

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I woke up to the sound of shuffling feet. I peeled my eyes open and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"Is she still asleep?"
"I don't know."
"Well let's hope she wakes up soon, we wouldn't want her to be late on her first day."

I turned over toward the voices and they stopped talking immediately.

"Hel-lo Que-li-a I am Crai-na Went-worth. This is Rob-"
"Craina, she knows English."
"Right, I'm just so excited they selected us, I mean, us."
"Don't blow it."

"Okay then..." I said suspiciously. "Who are you?"
"Well, I'm Craina--" "I know your names"--"Right. We were selected to help you to your classes and make sure you feel welcome here at Wisteria Manor."
"Okay... Where's the clock?"
Robin pointed behind me.

"Seven thirty?!"
"We were thinking about waking you but you just looked so peaceful."

I stood up and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed. I dug around and pulled out my Cinderella top with camouflage capris.

I threw my hair into a ponytail and marched into the bathroom to change.

Oh my Gondola.

The bathroom was gorgeous. There were jack and jill sinks and a beautiful black marble shower. A flawless white crowned vanity paired with matching mirror. There was even a scent fern in the corner. I changed as fast as I could and walked back out.

"What's your rush?" Craina asked.
"Classes start at eight right?" I replied sarcastically.
"Well yeah, but it's only seven thirty-five."
"Only she says."

"Is there breakfast?"
"Till eight thirty."

I bolted out the door before realizing I had no idea where to go. I retraced my steps back in the room and asked Robin where breakfast was being served.
"Dining hall."
"Thank you."

I speed walked to the dining hall like a grandma on Black Friday.

I found it almost empty except for Owen and a few others. I sat next to him where a place was set for me.

"Morning, where is everyone?"
"Outside, it's nice out."
"Why are you still here?"
"I wanted to make sure I was with someone I knew. Luxory already went to class."
"Hm." I nodded in understanding as I scarfed down my eggs.
"What class do you have first?"
"My schedule?! I left my schedule in my room and forgot to look at it. See you." I said as my plate disappeared and I ran back to the Yephato commons.

Halfway back to my dorm I met Craina walking toward me. "Looking for this?"
It was my schedule.
"Thank you so much."
I stopped and looked down at it. "Hey, how do I get to History with Mr. Reeda?"

"Staircase on the left, turn into the hall, first tower on the right."

"Thank you."


I followed the directions to a hallway that I had to wait for like an elevator. It was skimming between the towers for History and Math. Once it arrived, I followed a set of stairs up to an open room with windows on all sides revealing the painted sunrise sky. I found my seat at one of the many two-person tables facing a larger elevated teacher's desk with a slight, short man with hunched shoulders.

"Hello class."
"Hello Mr. Reeda."
His voice was kind and inviting, like how a father congratulates his son, yet he spoke very purposely and quick.
"Welcome to Rylian History, I will be your teacher this semester and for most of your time at Wisteria. I..."

He continued speaking, but my attention wandered to the intensive conversation I heard behind me in whispers.
"You know where it is then?"
"Of course I know where it is. I just don't know how to get there."
It's the Curruthers boy.
"What makes you think I know?"

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