Trust is Paramount

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Hoseok walks me towards our dorm, an arm resting protectively around my shoulders. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I didn't expect Jungkook to pull something like that." I sigh and look over at him. "I know, I can't believe he is still trying to talk to me."

We walk a little longer, getting closer to our building. We walk up the stairs and enter our dorm. Once Hoseok closes the door he sighs. "I'd have been there if I wasn't breaking up with Becky." I turn around quickly and look at him. "You broke up with her? Why?" He shrugs, looking defeated.

"She wasn't what I wanted. I thought I'd give her a chance since she was nice." I nod and try to keep my mouth shut. I knew she wasn't right for him. I knew that the moment I met her.

"Then you mentioned our summer plans and I had to put a stop to her thinking she could go with us." I laugh innocently. "Sorry." He grins and shakes his head. "Don't be. We do need to start planning it though."

I collapse onto our couch and huff as I do. I rub my eyes roughly. Today has been exhausting.

"Taehyung tried to kiss me after he saved me." Hoseok's eyes dart over to me. "What?!" He yells and I flinch. I just nod and sigh. "I think you were right about him. Jungkook even said something similar. There's no way both of you are wrong." Hoseok finally joins me on the couch and grabs my hand and holds it.

"I told you not to trust him. Anyone that abandons his friend's trust like that isn't worth your time." I stare into Hoseok's eyes and almost lose myself in them. He was so beautiful. I don't know how I missed it before. He was incredibly beautiful. Everything was perfect about him, everything.

An endless amount of time flows by, I'm in a trance, getting lost in his beautiful brown eyes. They were gorgeous. Almost completely dark brown except for this halo that was in the middle of his iris. The halo had swirls of lighter brown. The world reflected off his dark eyes. I saw my world in those eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hoseok finally asks me. "Like what?" I ask in return, curious. His face stays straight as he looks back at me. "Like I'm the only person in the world." My eyes glaze over as I stare at the man who has occupied every second of my thoughts lately. "Because you are." I whisper out, not thinking clearly at all. My mental state crumbles and I begin to panic, realizing what I just said.

Hoseok tilts his head slightly and it's the cutest thing. My words confused him. I clear my throat and quickly recover. "You're the only one I can trust anymore. Other than Jin." He nods at my words. "You can always trust me." He tells me and I believe him. My heart races at his words.

I do trust him. I trust him with my whole heart. I just didn't know how to tell him. I'd fallen in love with him. I don't know when it happened. But it hit me like a truck suddenly. He was perfect for me. But the fact that we were best friends made that realization a crushed dream. It meant nothing. He didn't see me that way and he never would.

The sooner I came to terms with this, the better it would be.

Last night I hardly slept

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Last night I hardly slept. I had so many thoughts and emotions surging through me. I almost confessed to Hoseok. I needed to be more careful. I almost got caught.

I come out of our bathroom and tell Hoseok I'm ready to head to class. "Okay, let's go." He smiles and nods. We walk down the stairs and towards the front door of the dorm building. I spot Taehyung's red hair outside, waiting on me no doubt.

"Wait." I tell Hoseok and he stops walking with me. He looks at me. "Taehyung is out there. Let's go out the back way." Hoseok nods and we turn around to go towards the back exit.

"You can't avoid him forever; you'll have to let him down easy." I sigh at Hoseok's words. "I kind of already did." I admit and he smiles slightly. "Good."

We sneak past the back of the dorm buildings and head to our classes. I knew I couldn't avoid Taehyung forever, but for now I wasn't ready to be around him. I was starting to see him for who he really was. I didn't like what I saw. He seemed selfish. Jungkook deserved to get caught but the way Taehyung just betrayed his best friends trust didn't sit well with me.

I didn't want someone like that in my life. I couldn't trust him.

"Maybe we won't eat in the cafeteria today." Hoseok says as we walk into our Sociology class. "Good idea." I tell him and smile at him.

I had Hoseok, even if it wasn't how I wanted him. He was still by my side and that's all I really needed. With him near me I wasn't lonely. I wasn't alone.

 I wasn't alone

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