The Reveal

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Jin drops me off at my dorm and I stare up at the building. It seems like straight out of a nightmare. It's dark and menacing. Inside my best friend waits for me. Inside my fate awaits.

Each step I climbed towards the third floor were difficult. My feet felt like they weighed a ton a piece. My heart and brain were screaming to turn around. Turn back. My stomach was in knots and my fingers were shaking as I reached for the dorm doorknob and turned it.

For once in my life, I felt alone. Truly alone in this world.

I inhale sharply before I open the door quietly and slowly. My eyes are immediately drawn to Hoseok who is sitting on our couch, his face in his hands.

His head shoots up when he hears me open the door. "Juls!" He yells for me and stands up quickly. But he stands there, he doesn't move. His expression is undeterminable. I swallow hard as I realize Hoseok didn't come running to me like he normally would.

By now I'd normally be swept up in a hug. The change horrified me.

He takes a few steps towards me, and I'm frozen in my place, my feet are cement. My mind and heart are in a racing competition. "I was worried! Why didn't you tell me you went to Jin's? I came back and you had disappeared, and you wouldn't answer my calls or texts." Hoseok tells me and I avert my eyes.

"Sorry." I mumble and I can hear him sigh. "Come here." He tells me and I refuse to move. I liked my spot by the door. It meant I could run away immediately if I needed to. "I'm fine." He tilts his head to my words.

"No, come here." He points to the couch. My shoulders slump, I was defeated. I walked to him, accepting the dark fate that awaited me. He takes my shoulders and forces me to sit down, then he sits beside me.

"We have something to discuss." I immediately grab my bottom lip with my teeth. Here it came. The truth would be revealed. "Okay." I say so softly even I barely heard it.

"Listen, you need to be honest with me right now. Tell me the truth, okay?" I nod at him, not making eye contact. I was too ashamed.

"Taehyung told me something interesting when I talked to him earlier." He takes a deep breath and so do I. "He told me you had feelings...for me? Is-is that true?" I squeeze my eyes shut and my heart beats even faster. I didn't even know it could but hearing him say the words sent panic through my body.

It's quiet. Dead quiet.

I just nod once, not saying a word, not meeting his eyes. The way my heart was thumping I don't think I could possibly talk. I felt like I was about to pass out.

"W-Why didn't you tell me?" Hoseok asks me quietly. I just shrug. I was acting like a child that was getting in trouble with their parents. Like I was being reprimanded. I felt the guilt so heavily. I couldn't stop my feelings, that was true. But I just felt so damn ashamed.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship." I whisper out and feel my eyes water. Here come the waterworks. I could feel my heart breaking already. This would change our friendship forever. That's something I didn't want. Ever.

I hear him laugh softly and I finally gain the courage to look at him. When I do, a tear escapes. "You could never scare me away, Juls." His eyebrows pull together when he sees my tears. He wipes it away softly with his thumb.

"Please don't cry, please." He whispers and it makes my heart palpitate. Skipping a few beats. I turn my eyes downward again, trying to hide the fact that I couldn't stop my tears. Hoseok takes my both of my hands and holds them in his.

"Hey, look at me." He murmurs and I turn my head to the side. I couldn't look at him anymore. He grabs my chin and moves my head upward. "Juls." I finally meet his eyes.

"Don't you want to know how I feel about this news?" A smile spreads across his face. The smile I've come to know and love. The most comforting smile that feels like a warm hug on a cold day. "I've felt the same way since I met you, Juls. I care deeply for you, more than a friend. Taehyung saying that made me so skeptical. I didn't think that was possible. I never imagined you could see me that way. But just now when you confirmed it, my heart feels so happy. I'm so happy."

My mouth falls open, was he serious? "W-What?" I stumble with my words and feel so much weight lifted off my body. I felt like I could finally breathe. Hoseok laughs lightly.

"You and I have a lot to talk about." He says to me, and I nod quickly. We definitely did.

I breathe in, finally being able to breathe. It was finally over, and the truth was out there. But best of all, it wasn't the outcome I expected. It's better than I could ever imagined. 


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