~~ CHAPTER 12 ~~

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TW//: Swearing ( yes its in like every chapter ik- )

~ Nobody's POV ~

"UGHHHHH PHILLLLLL SOMEBODY KEPT HACKING AND KILLING ME IN SKYWARS!!!!!" Tommy screamed while running down the hallway. Luckily he hadn't seen Wilbur and Alex who we're dying of laughter, It also would not have been good if he saw Alex on Wilbur's lap.

"that was funny!" Alex giggled, getting up and off of Wilbur. 

"Yeah! I told you it would be fun!" 

"You didn't tell me shit idiot!" Alex laughed as he grabbed his phone.

Wilbur glanced at the time, it was already around 1:30, time fly's when you're having fun he thought, then he remembered Dream had texted him about stopping by to hang out.

He sighed and watched Alex do whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Hey, Dream is gonna stop by for a little bit..is that fine with you?" Alex looked up from his phone to look at Wilbur.

"Yeah, why are you asking for my permission?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Just wondering if you wanted to chill or not.." Wilbur mumbled as he shut his eyes.

"Oh ok!" Alex said joyfully as he examined his nails, he was glad to have them painted. Karl always invited him over to paint nails or to hang, but Schlatt never really let him. So he would sneak out to go hang but never painted his nails.

He glanced over at Wilbur, not being able to tell if he was asleep or not. "Are you asleep?" Wilbur opened his eyes to look at Alex, "No, just shut my eyes.." 

"Okayy!" Alex responded in a happy and exaggerated tone.

All Wilbur could do was smile at the happy Alex. He noticed how happy he was all of the sudden, maybe its because he got away from Schlatt?

"You seem happy" Wilbur laughed. 

"I am!" Alex giggled, "I'm not sure why but I am!" 

Wilbur watched him, being content that he was happy. Then the sound of a doorbell rang through out the house.

"Oh, that must be dream" Wilbur said as he got up and walked towards the door, down the stairs and the front door. Alex stayed in his bedroom, dancing around to music he had turned on from his phone.

Opening the front door, Dream and George were standing outside the door. Wilbur looked at George then back to Dream.

"I brought George, hope you uh don't mind..he's just been worried about Alex being out of school with out saying anything, or replying to his texts and calls. He wanted to be by me" Dream explained, Wilbur nodded as they both came in.

"Speaking of Alex..I need to talk to you Dream.." Wilbur mumbled, "but first, let's go to my room before you ditch me for Techno or something. I know you guys are besties" Dream rolled his eyes as he and George followed Wilbur up to his room. (man like 3/4s of this story has been in Wilbur's room-)

Alex happily sat in Wilbur's gaming chair while scrolling through his phone, seeming to have settled down.

"ALEX!" George exclaimed pushing past Wilbur and Dream. Alex quickly heard and stood up, now hugging George.

Wilbur frowned, he wanted that attention. 

"Oh my gosh Alex! I haven't heard from you in forever! You weren't at school for 2 days and weren't responding to any of me or Karl's calls and text messages!" George worriedly replied. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine..."George smiled and pulled away from Alex, realizing the giant scar on his face.

"Holy- what happened to you?" he asked, still holding onto Alex's arms.

I Still Hate You. ~ Quackbur Story ~ DSMP High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now