Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Laura's P.O.V

The next morning I wake up, it was in the middle of December, and it was getting cold, so I changed quickly and did everything else before running out for school. I quickly walk, Mason sent me a text that he was going to come late to school because he was going to get out of the hospital, since his little sister had cancer, until 8. I feel bad, he loves his little sister, Elliot, so very much. And she was diagnosed with cancer a couple months before. She's been going to have check ups regularly, and I make her smile and laugh each time I go over, everyone loves her honestly. She's only 12 years young, so young. I pray that she'd grow up to be more than fifty, she doesn't deserve to die. If she does, then Mason would be crushed, depressed and angry. I know it, he even told me. That's not only why I would be sad though.

I finally get to school, grabbing my stuff. It was early, why did I rush so much? I had nothing to do, I don't know this place so much either. I've only been here for a day, remember? I begin to walk around, looking at all kinds of things. When I suddenly stop at a board. Those type with all kinds of papers on it with things saying to either join a club/activity or with reminders of the following events. It looked pretty interesting, there was all types of things coming up. I never really had such a love for joining any sports or activities.
I left, I felt so alone. I'd be with Mason, but he was in the hospital, I decided to just go wait outside first period class, seeing some people come in. I guess maybe I could have took my time at home, I mean, school did start 7;30. Why am I here at 7;15?! I take my phone out, seeing a text from Mason,"Sorry boo </3 I'm not going to go to school today, but I'll come over after, okay?" I sigh, texting its fine and all of that. Perfect, just perfect. Now who's going to be here with me? I'm going to miss him, but of course he has stuff to do.

I guess its alright, everyone has plans,"Depressed?" My body jumps, seeing Ross smirk at me, I roll my eyes,"Nope." I shrug,"Well where's your boyfriend? Thought you two like sucking each others faces." He shrugged. I bite my lip, what an idiot. I decide to just ignore him turning my face,''Don't ignore me-answer!" He demands. He kept telling me that,"Answer, answer, answer." It was annoying, he is annoying. "Fine, be that way." He huffs, just as then bell rings I couldn't be any happier.

After school, I sigh. Today was worse than yesterday. I was alone in lunch, and had no one to speak to. Basically because I didn't really make any friends yet. Not best friends, not even just friends. But at least I'm going to Mason's house, he said to come right over. Elliot was still in the hospital, but he wanted us to have time alone each day. I get home, putting all my things away. Just as I left, my dad calls me,"Where are you going?" He asked, I turn,"Mason's house." I reply, he nods,"Another boy was looking for you," Another guy? "Do you know his name?" I asked, I thought maybe it would be Mason,"Ro-something." He shrugs,"Oh." I frown, what did he want? "Well, bye!" I yell, before leaving. How did Ross even know where I lived? Creepy once you think about it. Honestly though, what did he want?!

I shrug it off, Mason's house wasn't very far away, less than a block, that's for sure. I was still wondering what he wanted to talk about, of course it had to be important, but who knows? Maybe its something good about Elliot. Maybe she's getting better. Or maybe something else.

I finally get to his house, it looked so plain, but how? I sensed it, like that something he had to tell me wasn't going to be good. But people can't see how everything is, so I could be wrong. I knock on the door, hearing footsteps from the other side. Until it opens, he looked tired, depressed. I frown,"Hey, are you okay?"I asked, he pulls me inside without saying anything, I was so confused,"Mason, what happened?" I ask, he shook his head,"Come on," We go upstairs to his room, why was he acting so weird?

He shuts the door, pushing my back lightly on it, he rest his forehead on mine, the other arm on my waist,"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking at his eyes. Something is wrong, I know it. He bit his bottom lip, shutting his eyes. It killed me deeply to see him sad. What really killed me was when I saw a tear drop from his eye. He was crying? I knew it was a serious situation, he rarely ever cries. We've known each other for six years, and have been together after the third year, and I've only seem him cry twice before now.

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