Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Laura's P.O.V

I felt like I was going insane, I just wanted it to be quiet, but all I heard were those whispers saying things about me.

I cover my ears,"Go away, go away, go away," I whispered quietly to myself, shutting my eyes tightly. They decided to not leave, just stay.

~Ross's P.O.V~

"Go away, go away, go away." She kept whispering, she looked so sad and scared. It made me sad and scared too. I didn't even know why she was acting like this, like someone's out to get her, I didn't want her to.

I felt scared, thinking she wouldn't even let me help and she would just be sad and scared her whole life. But I had to help her, she was covering her ears, shutting her eyes tight.

"Laura," I whisper, she doesn't look up, I decided to just call her names until she looks up,"Boo," I tried, Shane always called her that,"Go away Shane, go away, go away, go away." That didn't help at all, she looked even more scared. I scooted a little closer.

"Beautiful," I tried.

"Lies, lies, lies, go away!" God I'm such an idiot.

"Laura, this is Ross." I say, thinking she didn't know that I was there,"Stop it!" She screams, never had I heard her scream before. I frowned,"Come on, I'm Ross." I whispered, she opens her eyes.

She started crying, looking all around the room,"Stop! Stop please!" She screamed, I winced, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking up at the ceiling. Above me, but at what?

"Shane doesn't like me, my dad hates me, Sophie thinks I'm a creep, Mason wants to use me, Leslie teases me-" She kept going on with a list of names, was this really what people where doing to her? Or what she thought they did?

She kept saying something so bad about her. I felt my eyes tear up, it hurts. To see a person you love cry and scream, saying bad things about herself. And you didn't know how to stop it.

"Ross does love me!" She screams, looking back at the air. She shakes her head,"Stop! Stop Ross!" She screams, still looking up.

She keeps crying,"I'm not doing anything, stop trying to hit the air!" I yell, that's probably the only thing that would make her control herself. But she doesn't stop," Please! I love you!" She screamed, I froze.

She loves me.

She really, does love me. I smiled, she...loves me. Laura Marano, loves me! I love the sound of that, but I turn back to her,"I'm sorry!" She screamed, I flinched,"You told me that you do love me Ross." She whispers, turning so silent and still.

She wasn't flinging her arms all over the place. She wasn't screaming. She wasn't moving. She was staring at the ground, still crying.

She burst into sobs quietly, putting her head in her knee's. What was going on? Was she stuck inside a dream? I felt like she was. It is possible, to be awake and still be dreaming. Almost like sleep walking, except you can see the dream in front of you, like its really

Was this what she dreams about every night? I didn't think that people making fun of her and saying things about her would turn out this bad...

I frowned, she wasn't moving. I can't believe she just dreamed I didn't love her. When I actually really do. I always tried to show her everyday. As much as I can. But the fact that she thinks I don't love her just makes me sad. That she can't really escape from these thoughts. Its like being controlled.

I saw that she was still breathing, good sign. I crawl over to her, and checking the time, thirty six minutes she was doing this.

I pick her up, and sit on her bed, having her into a small ball in my arms was so peaceful. She was holding onto my shirt with her hand,I rock her back and forth. I didn't know how much she was actually suffering. And now that I do, god curse all the idiots.

But the thought that she dreams about me hating her, not loving her. It made me feel like I didn't show her how much I really did like her.

After five minutes, literally of her mumbling things in her sleep she wakes up.

She doesn't get off my lap, since her face was in my chest she let go of my shirt and scratched her eyes. It looked adorable, I admit. But when she let go of my shirt I somehow felt
disappointed, she gets comfortable again.

"I see I'm comfortable." I smiled, trying to make her smile. Instead she jumps, she stares at me like she didn't know who I was. I stare back, thinking this was the perfect moment to tell her everything I feel for her.

"Do you think I don't love you?" I ask her quietly, she had her legs wrapped around my waist, she nods slowly, not staring at me, I lift her chin gently, not wanting to scare or hurt her. She locks eyes with me.

"I love you. When I say it I mean it. Do you know how hurt I felt when you told me that you never even loved me in the morning? I swear I would have cried right in front of you. But I felt like if I did you would just end up crying, and I hate seeing you cry. When you told me to leave you alone, I didn't because I love and care for you. When you hugged me I tensed up because I wasn't expecting you to hug me. I can go on with more things, but I want you to understand and know that I love you. God, the only girl I actually told that was my mom. Your the most special girl in the world to me right now, I love you god dammit! I don't care if you like me back, I'll always love you and-" She cuts me off by colliding our lips together.

I was shocked, no kidding. But kissed back, I lean more in to deepen the kiss, she wrapped her arms behind my neck, god she doesn't know how much I wanted to feel her lips on mine the whole day.

And no, I wasn't thirsty. I missed her, I felt empty, wrong knowing she spoke to everyone except me, and how she denied to let me kiss her. Its like not seeing your best friend in the morning, you just want to be with them and laugh. Like an empty piece in your heart.

I loved our kisses, not to sound gay, but it felt like what a girl would call fireworks. A spark I guess. Something better, like eating your favorite food on a bad day, it just makes up your whole day. And kissing Laura, the girl I love, makes my whole day.

We pull back after a moment. Both of us breathing hard.

"I love you." I whisper, earning me a smile from her,"I love you too." She says before embracing me into a hug.

And damn. Hearing her tell me those words so soft and gentle after a day without her talking to me, was just like getting a kiss.

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