Chapter 12

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We get home, seeing my dad in a fancy suit, pacing back and fourth,"Come on, we have one hour before we need to go to the restaurant, and be sure to dress nice." He tells me,"Um, could Mason come too?" I asked, he looked at him, hesitantly.

"Sure, show him the closest with the boy clothes, alright?" He explains, I nod,"Come on." I pull on his hand up the stairs.

"My dad has a few extra clothes that are too small on him, they might fit on you." I open the closest,"Have fun picking." I tease, walking away, he laughs a little.

I get into my room, picking out a nice outfit , before walking out. I see Mason trying to tie his tie, my dad trying to help,"Finished," I announced, Mason turns to me smiling, giving me a soft hug,"You look beautiful," He whispers in my ear as my dad gets the keys," You look handsome." I smiled back, he wrapped an arm around my waist, we put a jacket over us until we get in the car.

~~~~~~~~~My New Girl~~~~~~~~~

We get to the Diner, it was huge, that's for sure. I take the cardigan off, just as Mason wrapped his arm around my waist,"You look gorgeous," He whispers, I smiled.

"Thanks," I grin. My dad takes us to a table almost full, it had 13 seats in it, only 10 where filled, and it was full of adults and-Ross? What was he doing here?

I sat down next to Mason,"Hello Stormie, this is my daughter Laura and her boyfriend Mason." My dad introduces us,"Oh how lovely! Your two look like an amazing couple, this is my son Ross," She pats Ross, he looks at me, giving me a small smile.

He looked fancy, just like my dad and Mason. The adults talked about their work, saying how they should have plans and things. I sat there awkwardly with Mason,"You think Shane is okay?" I whisper to Mason, he bit his lip.

"I'm sure he is, it didn't look so bad." He gives a small smile, I rolled my eyes playfully,"Why did you have to hurt him?" I groan,"I'm sorry, it was just a small argument, but it kind of turned out as a small fight?" He whispered, I nod,"Lets just forget about it." I shrug, he nods,"But you do forgive me, right?"

He asked, looking terribly sorry. I smiled nodding,"I forgive you," I say just as he connects our lips.

Every time we kiss, it feels like nothing in the world mattered. Like we had no problems. It was just perfect. I knew it from the first time we kissed, that it was meant to be. And it all summed up to four years.

We pull away once we hear,"Could I take your orders?" Mason holds my hand tightly, I look up to see a girl with red hair smiling. She looked nice, and pretty. Probably 23 or 25, in her twenties.

After we ordered I got my Iced Tea first, me and Mason talking to each other while everyone else spoke about grown up things, like the weather, the work, plans, stuff like that. I noticed how everyone was so happy to be here, even my dad. I never saw him so happy since my mother died, which was a year ago. His eyes sparkled when he looked at Ross's mother, his laugh was definitely not fake, the smile wasn't forced, and he spoke freely. I felt so happy to see him like this, just... happy.

"Me and Mason are going to the restroom." I announced, they nod, looking like they didn't really care. But it didn't matter,"We're what?" He asked, I motion him to get up, and follows me outside the bathroom. Which was a big hallway, one room for girls and one for boys.

"Is there something you need to talk about?" He asked,"You saw my dad, right?" I whisper, he nods,"What about him?" I smiled wide,"He's actually happy, I think he likes Ross's mom!" I whispered the last part,"What if he doesn't?" He laughed, I rolled my eyes playfully,"When we go back, just watch. You'll see." I explained, he nods as we walk back hand in hand.

"Yeah, he definitely likes her." He laughed, I nod, we made sure to be quiet about the subject. Looking like spies whispering stuff to each other. Not only about my dad and Ross's mom, but other things.

The food soon came, I got a ham, egg and cheese sandwich, just like Mason, of course with fries.
The dinner was amazing, probably the best dinner me and my dad ever went to after my mom died. See, when my mom was alive every dinner was a party. She made just enough food, we played around and talked, and all three of us either listened to 'today's music' or the TV, either way we made jokes and talked about everything. Like our day, plans, anything exciting our just stupid things. And that's what today we did.

"It was a pleasure to have dinner with all of us, we should do this again." Stormie, what my dad called Ross's mom, announced,"We should." My dad smiled, I almost squealed when she smiled back, I could see the love between them.

We left,"So dad," I smiled when we sat in the car," Yes?" He asked grinning,"I saw you look at Ross's mom," I smirk, he laughs,"It would be rude to not pay attention to a person speaking, you know." He explained,"Just because she was speaking or because she's-" I finish for Mason,"Gorgeous?" I ask, he burst out laughing,"Would you like me to drop you off Mason?" My dad changed the subject. I laughed,"Yeah, thanks."

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