Chapter Fifteen-Friday

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You wake up again at-twelve. PM.

"DEAR L'MANBURG!" you yelp. You know the party isn't until eight p.m., but you still realize you slept in way late. You rush to get ready, but not into your party clothes yet. You chill on the couch in a sweatshirt, and you decide to go buy Princess a leash, as you finally wanted to take her on a walk around the tropical climate.

You put Princess in the passenger seat, and you drive to the pet store for the second time that week. You find a sufficient leash and collar, and Princess seems excited to go on a walk before the party.

At three o'clock, you get her all leashed up, and she looks ready to go take a walk. You walk outside, and Princess, stronger than she looks, starts running around, trying to explore all the new sights and smells.

"Whoa, Princess," you say, laughing at her enthusiasm. You finally make it to the sidewalk, and walk down it for a block. A small girl with her mother says, "Aw! A puppy! Can I pet her?"

"Of course!" you reply. You're not sure how used to other people Princess is, but she doesn't flinch away as the toddler reaches out to pet her. The child and her mother say goodbye, and you turn around, heading back to your house.

You were outside for an hour, and you want to go back home and nap on the couch to get rested for tonight. You turn on the TV, trying to get Princess entertained, and it works. You fall asleep on the couch for about two hours.

When you wake up, you realize you need to hire a puppy-sitter. You scroll as fast as you can through websites until you find a girl who looks nice enough, and has experience with stubborn puppies, perfect for the night. You click the button, and it says she's arriving soon, so she must live close.

As soon as she does arrive, you open the door. Just as you expected. A girl of about eighteen, with springy red curls stands in the doorway.

"Hello! I'm Jenna!" she says. "I'll be dogsitting your new puppy! Where is she?"

"Hey, she's just over there! Take good care of her!"

Jenna notices Princess.

"Awww! She's so cute! What's her name, and anything I need to know about her?"

You answer with, "Her name is Princesa, or Princess, and she kind of has separation anxiety ever since I saved her and she became quite attached to me. That's it! The dog food is in that closet over there, and feel free to watch TV, or do whatever you want. I gotta get to this party in like, a couple hours, so I'll be getting ready, you can get all settled and familiarized with the place."

Jenna nods, and you scramble to get ready, it'll probably take you an hour to get ready, and by then it'll be seven, and you still need to go pick up some food for the party, which left you with one hour to do that.

You put on a cute party outfit, nothing too formal, but still cute, and realize you need to plan your makeup. You'll go for a little extra tonight, since you want to, of course, look as pretty as possible, even though you think you don't look pretty ever. You straighten and brush your hair a little more, and then you go and do your makeup-taking your time, but still rushing as much as you can. You mess up on the eyeliner wings, and have to redo one side, but once you're done, you think you look pretty decent.

You walk out to the living room, and you say to Jenna, "Alright, I gotta go. Thanks for watching Princess for me!"

Princess yaps and Jenna waves goodbye. You hurry out to your car, and start the drive to Clay's house.

Omg! Exciting! I better get writing the next chapter, this is going to be EXCITING, jeez. Alright, remember to hydrate, eat, and sleep today! Bye, and onto the next chapter! ~Cloudy

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