Part 37

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A couple more moths pass until it's August 1st, he has to go to off season practice and his break is over which makes me sad.

A little while passes and it's soon September.

It's a month from my due date but I'm on bed rest.

Jimmy isn't home due to a meeting today so I'm in he kitchen cleaning.

I sit on the floor with a magic eraser and start cleaning the cabinets on the island.

I'm humming and my phone buzzes.

Are you ok? You still in bed?

Yes J.



I don't check the answer.

My phone bings.

And it's my mom this time instead of J.

Are you in bed.

Of course mom.

"You sure?" Her voice makes me jump and I look up.

She's standing there with my family, Cade, Creed, and Stone, along with Cyrus and I blush.

"I was bored." I whimper as I feel something tugging on my stomach.

I go to stand but collapse.

"Are you ok?" Mom starts to help me up but I stand and clear my throat.

Tess looks down and gasps. "RALEIGH."

I look down and see my water broke.

I take a deep breath but wince when i feel pain.

Mom grabs my phone and calls J.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Jimmy, Raleigh's water just broke." Mom says.

"What?" J asks shocked.

"We're going to get her to the hospital." She says.

"I'll meet you there." he says.

I nod and start crying. "They're a month early."

Creed picks me up and carries me to his truck.

"I'll drive her." He says.

they nod.

He takes me to a public hospital and runs me into the emergency room.

"I think she's going in to labor." He gulps.

The nurse looks and nods. "I'll get a doctor."

Soon I'm back in a hospital room and Creed, Cade, Stone, and Cyrus look nervous.

The contractions are coming closer and closer together now and they hurt like holy fucking shit.

"Someone call J." I sob.

Creed facetimes J who's in a truck.

"Baby I'm on the way." He's looking at the road.

"Please hurry up." I cry.

"I'm trying."

I sob even harder at the pain.

"Baby give me a minute." He huffs.

I frown "I'll yell up my vagina to tell them to stay."

He almost laughs but soon he parks and I see the camera shake as he runs through the hallway and soon he's through the door.

He runs to my side and holds my hands.

Soon I'm getting an epidural.

(I have never birthed a baby so this is the best you're getting cause I have no clue how it works<3)

"Push." the nurse says.

I push and cry out.

"Breath." she says I pant.

"Push." I push really hard and she nods "Good."

I look at J who's about to cry. He's in the weird blue outfit and it does not suit him well. I laugh and it's nice distraction from the pain.

"Breath." She says but I can't. "BREATH!"

I try to breath and it comes out as a hiss.


I push really hard again and scream.

J grips my hand and I squeeze his so hard I'm pretty sure his mollars die form how hard he clenches his teeth.

"Breath." I breath willingly.

"One big push and you'll have your first baby." she says.

I push really really really hard before I hear a baby crying and my heart is so full of love.

I look at the bloody baby and I cry.

She directs me to push a few more times and the other one pops out.

J cuts the cords and soon we have the babies in our arms.

I start crying and they have to take them and put them in the bassinet things in the room when there's after birth and it's gross and I'm pretty sure J runs to the bathroom and throws up.

My head drifts to the side and I fall asleep once Jimmy is back.

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