Chapter 6- Is she leaving?

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*The next day*

Sapphire's (POV)
So today is the day I leave Ashton Michael and the two assholes. I haven't talked to Luke or Calum since last night they've tried but I ignore them. I talk to Ashton and Michael as I'm packing. "Your really leaving?" Michael asks. "Yep. If your ever in town please come visit. Ok?" I ask "Ok" Michael and Ashton say together. "Give me your phone. Both of you." I say. "Why?" They both ask. "Because I said so." So they give my their phones and i put my number in their contacts. "There now text me when ever. Ok?" I say. "Ok." They answer. I see Luke and Calum sitting in the corner sad i look at them they both look up at me and give a weak smile and I turn away. "Ok so here's your ticket and your things. Have a safe trip. Give me your phone." Ashton says "Ok." I answer. When i got it back i see that he put his and Michael's number in my contacts. "Thanks. Ok are we at the airport?" I say. "Yep." I forgot I hate airplanes. I could never go on without someone else to calm me down. "Great." I say a little scared. "Sapphire what's wrong." Asks Ashton. "I forgot I have a fear of being on a plane." I answer. "Oh we can cancel and you stay on tour with us?" Michael asks. "No thank you I would but you know." I answer. "Don't you think your taking this to far? I mean you not dating ether one of them." asks Ashton. "Am i?" I ask. "Well kinda. I mean you wanna leave you haven't talked to them or even looked at them." Michael answers. "I guess your right. So you guys don't mind if I stay?" I ask. "No of course not. Your fun and awesome, it was boring with out you." Michael answers. "Thanks. Ok I'll stay." I say and Michael and Ashton are cheering. I see Luke and Calum look up i smile a big happy smile and they give one back. I run over and jump in Luke and Calum's lap. "Your not still mad at us?" Calum asks. "No because Michael and Ashton are that awesome of friends." I answer. "Aren't you leaving?" Asks Luke. "NNOOPPEE!" I answer popping the p. "Really? Great!." Calum says hugging me. I hug him back

Luke's (POV)
I'm so happy Sapphire decided to stay. I think we all are.

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