16 • arishem's children

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"So yeah. That's her plan," Oriana says with a shrug.

The fireplace illuminates Oriana and makes her shine and glow like the radiant of the sun. Druig hands her a cup of tea and takes a seat right next to her. Though there is room for him on the other side of the wooden couch, he presses his thigh against her own.

A smile breaks on his face. If there's one thing he loves about her is that she'd tussle for everyone to be safe and their wills to be free. And apparently, she also fights for him.

Oriana told him of Sersi's plan, he thought it impossible. He's no more powerful than the next Eternal. He should focus on the fact that Sersi would want him to exhort himself to possible death. He should wonder if it's because of his mind controlling powers or his yearn to help the world. Did she just think he'd be on board without hesitation?

But no. His brain got caught on the fact that Oriana kept defending him, protecting him. Going as far as disputing with reasonable facts and not raising her voice with anger. He's proud. It's great–no, amazing to hear that even when they were apart, with so many uncertainties between them, she hadn't lost respect for him.

I gave him hope, not that he ever lost his faith in her.

Hope that after eight decades, she still loves him.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I'm not."

"I can feel you smiling."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Her cheek twitches before her whole face falls. He's never read her mind nor had any need for it. He wasn't about to do it now. Whatever is causing her to look brokenhearted, she'd tell him.

And there is a lot to tell. Her misfortunes, her triumphs. But her gut told her he already knows, or at least imagines, how tough life was. There was no doubt in her mind that Druig must know the lengths she's had to go through to thrive.

He did. His subconscious whispered things to him from the depths of his mind. Scenarios and narrative would often play into his nightmares, the best and the worst. Yet she's here right now. She's survived a lot and Druig is gratified that she's back here with him. Even if it's for a short while, she might not want to stay, or she might. Eight decades, while not even close to a lifetime for them, was still a lot of time. Things could change. Feelings could change. He isn't thinking of that, though, Druig thinks of how beautiful she looks. How the fireplace makes her skin glow and how healthy she appears.

She looks comfortable in her country star boots. At peace with her dogs, an extension of her heart, close by. Oriana also seems free, freer than she was in the compound.

How there's a constant blush that always stained her cheeks whenever he was near. Oriana used to banish all feelings for him, he loved toying with her, edging the trunk she kept them in. Sometimes it snapped open then she'd rush to padlock them again. The only trace of them ever being in the open was the apple red color on her cheeks.

Taking a gulp of the tea, Oriana made a decision.

Some things didn't need to be said right now.

"When my phone finishes charging, I want to introduce you. . ." She falters, face falling blank. There's no noise except the crackling of the fireplace. Not even crickets. Aren't they in the forest?

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