× Chapter Sixteen ×

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Camilo's POV
What the fluff, was it Mirabel kissing my forehead? That wasn't a dream, was it? It must be, or maybe I'm imagining things in my fever. But even my eyes were close, it felt so realistic.. Nah Camilo, people feels dreams are realistic in fever and loves thinking stuffs real which aren't. Great.
JUST DROP IT CAMILO MADRIGAL AND TURN YOUR ATTENTION TO SOMETHING ELSE. Sis Dolores gave me this Binocular and I'm looking outside. Even if this is old, it's really clear to see around and I literally can see what's happening in the town nicely. Wow this works like a telescope.
Cecilia, my favourite kid in town, playing with her friends. Who made that flower crown? Looks so cool. I see a-Hey coffee kid that's a lotta coffee!! Man I wish I could transform into her Mom and scold him. He'll be thinking,'Momi never told me anything about not drinking my favourite drink!' Haha that'll be fun. Wait, now that I don't have fever.. I CAN EXPLORE THE TOWN IN THE EVENING! Nobody will know, right?
(For those who are wondering how Camilo has his gift again, the Miracle Candle has returned just like Casita. So now everyone has their gifts again.)

Time skip to dusk
No need for escaping through the window silently, Mami just told me to explore the town for some fresh air, "Hon, take Dolores or Tio Bruno with you? Mirabel wanted to go as well but she's got some work at home so.."
Jeez, I'm no kid. But alright, Tio and me, long time not together. "Okay mami, but only tio." Dolores has been with Mariano a lot, I better not break into her dream.
-"I'll see where your tio is, get ready to go outside!"

"Hehe Camilio dear, let me give you company for a ride outside. It'll be a pleasure to guide you to our town." said tio Bruno. He sure does a lot of fun. I, on the other hand, misunderstood and thought he's scary.
-"And my pleasure to go outside with you, Mister Bruno Madrigal. Let us breathe some fresh air!"
Me and tio walking on the streets of town, some who doesn't know Tio has returned got surprised, but realized he is a real fun person and not scary at all.
"Oh is it Bruno Madrigal in person? I've been hearing a lot about you! You know how to see the future right, mister?" A kinda-young lady walked up to us and said excitedly.
-"Uh yeah I-"
-"Can you please take a vision for me, sir?"
-"Sure! But well, I need some ingredients for the vision."
-"What kinds of ingredients? I'll get them for you!"
-"Ehehe there's no need. You see the ingredients are really simple.."
They continued talking which.. probably won't end soon. Tio, seems like you've got a fan lol. We were standing in front of the Cafeteria, I was humming a song until.. I spotted Zean on a table. Zeanie meanie what's up? He sure has a face like a villain. I sat on a table nearby. But wait, he shouldn't know I'm here. I transformed myself to Senõra Puzmuerto the dead fish lady, and sat on the nearest table to him. And to not look suspicious, I started scrolling on my phone instead of looking at him straight, pressing random apps leaning back on the chair. Wow a recorder! Never noticed this on my phone. And within some moments, he recieved a call on his phone, "Hey Babe."
OHHH~ HE HAS A GURLFREND I SEE. Bish why were you flirting with Mira then? They had a 'ultra-romantic-convo' over phone and he suddenly said, "Alison baby, Dad's calling me. Talk to ya later? Love you."
He then hung up and dialled another number, "Sup Jennifer. No really babe, I was talking with dad when you called me."

Wtf? He.. HE IS A GUY, WITH MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS!? Wha-ah, why no that's not fair.. I KNEW HE IS INHUMAN BEAST INSIDE. I didn't turn to him, I have my back still towards him. Should I record- Nice. I have the record icon pressed from the beginning of his conversation. Camilo you're a Genius.

Author 's Note
Heya people another late update, I'm kinda busy with some other works other than writing stories. I also have been noticing some hate comments recently. BUT. I have the power to take revenge aka reply back to them. Then mute them. And thanks a lot to those people who has been replying to those hate comments for stopping them to do so. I super love you people who did that for me, you guys are great😭
Also here's an extra chapter~

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