Chapter 26

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"Wow." Startled, I spun around to find Elliot in the doorway of his room. "I knew things between you two were dramatic but... wow."

"How long have you been there?"

"For a bit, I guess. I forgot my wallet and heard some commotion so I teleported myself to my room and hear the last parts." He stopped and studied my face. Tears of frustration flooded my eyes. "Let's unpack this, love. Yeah?"

He strut over, took my hand in his and led me to the couch. We sat there for a bit while he let me silently cry for a few minutes. He rubbed my back comfortingly but said nothing until I stopped. "From my observation, you took obviously feel something towards each other. And whatever that something is, it's strong. But I don't think either of you are ready."

"I know... I think." I sighed. "He keeps saying I'm not ready for him. I keep thinking he's choosing not to be ready for me."

"In my personal opinion — and I'm no empath — but... I believe that he's afraid to love you. It isn't that he is necessarily choosing to not be ready, but he might really think he isn't. Looking back at what he was saying, he doesn't see himself as worthy." I listened. I heard him, just like I heard Benjamin. But I still didn't understand. "He obviously... deeply cares for you. He's your mate. But maybe stepping away and focusing on yourself and more important things are better for you right now? I don't know, maybe have some fun. Go on a few dates. Open yourself up. Because it also seems that you're trying to convince yourself that you are ready for him."

"I am-"

"Uhh, no. The key word there was convince. You know you aren't, but you're trying to prove something to yourself as well as him. Stop and grow before you hurt yourself."

I laid my head on his shoulder. "Why couldn't my mate be you? It would've been so much easier."

He let out a loud laugh. "Miss ma'am. No it wouldn't have. I'm difficult and I know it."

"You are," we laughed together. I stayed tucked under his arm for a bit until he moved.

Elliot stood up and let out an obnoxious yawn. "I'm going to go pick up some snacks. You go clean yourself up and when I get back we'll do a Potter night?"

"I'll invite Eliza!" I nodded, grabbing my phone.

He whined, "Do you have to? She's always flirting with me."

I laughed, "She thinks you're cute."

"I am," Elliot pouted. "She's like me but the opposite sex. It's weird. I usually flirt with everyone. I can't flirt with myself!" He began mumbling to himself as he head out the front door, leaving me on my own with my thoughts.


3rd Person POV

Casper sat on his bed, except it wasn't really him was it? It was his body and his soul, only it had been hijacked. He was in there, trapped like he was in a cage, tucked away deep inside while he watched everything. It was the virus, or whatever it was. It mimicked Casper in almost every way. The way he spoke, his movements, even his fighting style — stolen and used by the rabid controlling the vessel.

Casper was chosen for a reason. He was the closest one to the head of the home other than Ben and Eliza. They however were out of reach. Casper was friendly and outgoing, which made him easy to lure out and infect. He was also a love interest of Ophelia. They obviously connected well and Casper was kind. He was a quick way to get to her. 

And that was the rabid's mission. Besides infecting as many members of the house as possible, the rabid was sent as Casper after Ophelia. He would distract her, get information, twist the narrative. He was there to weaken her. Eventually, he would play a major part in eliminating her.

Casper, within his cage, was forced to witness all of it. Every friend he infected — who would then be killed off, he had to watch. He had to watch as the rabid stalked Ophelia down like she was a baby deer and he was a hungry lion. He could hear the rabid's thoughts, feel his feelings, and Casper knew that Ophelia was in danger. The rabid lusted for her; he craved her warmth. Her power. Her blood. And Casper couldn't do anything to stop him.

Not that he wanted to watch someone else play him, but it was getting harder and harder to stay conscious. Maybe that's why he was chosen; maybe the rabid needed that fighting energy to stay alive. Casper considered giving up. But there was also the possibility of the rabid needed Casper to fail, giving the rabid control all together. He was losing energy by the day and he was scared. Scared of what was to come and the danger that his friends were in.

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