Chapter 28

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I threw things into my suitcase. My laptop, phone charger, my grimoire and other needed books. It was winter break. A month and a half off until the next semester. I would spend the holiday back at home with family and come back, hopefully with more information unlocked than I started with. I would have lots of time with my Uncle Frankie and Aunt Tori, my grandparents and of course Elliot to help with the research. I would also have more time to escape drama.

Elizabeth said her entire house did one big Christmas like a family. She invited Elliot and I but after then last run in I had with Casper, I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. I told Elliot about it, to which he found it shocking but he loved the idea of Casper stepping up his game. I, however, did not. Something was different... wrong. He wasn't the sweet Casper that swept me off my slippered feet and took me on a date. He was someone else.

Elliot ended up giving Eliza my address and invited her over for Christmas Eve. We usually had the tradition of going out to dance in the snow and lights. She said maybe.

"Ophelia?" A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. It was Elliot. "You ready?"

I snatched my bag off the bed, it wasn't heavy. Almost everything else that I could need would be at home... almost everything. "Yes! Coming!"


"Logan! She's here!" My mother screamed from inside, her face pressed against the window to see me walk up the walkway. I laughed, hearing her pitter patter of feet run to open the door. Once it swung open, her arms flung around me. "My baby!"

My father strut over with a smile, "Little one!" He ruffled my hair.

"I'm not little!" I growled playfully, swatting his hand away before hugging him. "Where's Oliver?" The trees ruffled behind me. A large wolf approached, snarling until it charged right at me. I laughed and charged back, tackling him to the ground. We rolled around a bit until I had him pinned. "Nice try. You may be older and an alpha but I will always have the upper hand, Oli."

He sneezed in response, rolling his wolfish eyes. Once I let him go, he ran to the back of the house. My parents had already taken my things inside, leaving the door open for me to walk in. I went inside, smelling warm cookies and hearing a familiar show playing — Hannah Montana. I ran over and jumped over the couch to find my godparents watching the television and laughing along. They screamed when I broke their focus. "Ophelia! Oh my god!" Aunt Star cried out. She grabbed me and wrapped her arms around me. Uncle Ryder then wrapped his arms around us and lifted us into the air.

A few moments later, Oliver emerged in human form and wearing toasty pajamas. "Hey! You guys didn't greet me like that!"

"Hush, Oliver. We see you every day!" Ryder stuck his tongue out at my brother, who did the same back. His attention was redirected back to me. "How's school? How are your grades? Have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

Star shoved him off, "Ew, let her breathe!" I laughed. "But yeah, what he said!"

"School is... okay. My grades are great."

Ryder narrowed his eyes, "You didn't answer the other questions."

The front door slammed open, "FRANKIE'S HOME!" Ryder and Star sighed.

"You don't even live here!" Oliver yelled back.

Frankie sauntered in, followed by Aunt Tori and Elliot. "Home is where the heart is, miscreant!" Frankie flicked him on the nose. "And my heart lies with all my lovely family. Even those two," he wiggled his finger at Star and Ryder.

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