Chapter 30

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Benjamin stared at me long and hard. His mouth was pressed in a straight line and he made no move to speak. I could almost feel the dread radiating from him.

"Come on," I said. He broke his gaze and shook his head like he was trying to shake whatever he was thinking away as if he were an etch-a-sketch. "Let's go do something a little less productive."

I marched over, grabbed him by the arm and winnowed us from my apartment to my clearing in the woods. "That's... wow." He stumbled. "So this whole time you could just teleport yourself places? You don't need a car or anything, you can just get there."

I chuckled, melting a circle of snow in the middle of the field and watching his face go into one of shock again. "I could but the farther the distance, the more energy and magic it takes."

"And you can just change the weather?" He walked into the new green grass with tiny wild flowers blooming.

"Um... not entirely. I try not to anyways. Small things I will do though."

He huffed, "I wouldn't call lightning strikes small, Ophelia." He stood directly across from me and glared at my mischievous little smirk. "What else can you do?"

I stopped to meet his eyes. A challenge, Luna purred. Show him exactly what else you can do. A smirk crept onto my face by no control of my own. A surge of power and energy pushed through my body... Luna wanted to play. My eyes widened a bit in surprise. Luna has never been anything but violent and dominant. Playful was new. Do something with our mate or I will, child, she growled.

The smirk twitched it's way back onto my face, my hand motioning for Benjamin to come at me. "You know, the last time we sparred I could've sworn I felt some sparks," He said lowly.

"We're mates," I laughed. "That happens."

Suddenly he was lunging towards me. I tried to sidestep but his arms wrapped around me and lifted me slightly off the ground while I was pinned against his chest. We were nose to nose. My eyes narrowed at him while his eyes slowly looked down to my lips. "Now, I think we both know that that wasn't what happened. You shocked me, little one."

"And I'm about to do it again," I whispered, our lips millimeters apart. His eyes shot up in surprise. Before he could drop me, I sent sparks out from my entire body. He hissed as I pushed his arms off me and kicked him away from me.

Benjamin slid across the grass but got up without a missing a beat. "What else you got?"

I let out a laugh, feeling another surge of power. Give it to him, Luna growled excitedly. Dark clouds began to swirl above. Thunder rumbled so loud the ground shook beneath us. Ben looked up as rain started pouring down and then looked back to me. He faltered a bit but charged anyways. I pushed him back with a gust of wind and teleported so that I'd be behind him.

He must've sensed it because as soon as I got there he faced me and used his speed to try and catch me again. I dodged, catching one of his arms. I grew a vine out of the dirt, up and around his arm, securing him to the spot. His jaw dropped. "Okay... Ya know, I'm kind of regretting asking for this." I was cackling as I vanished from beside him to the opposite side of the clearing. His eyes narrowed as I snapped my fingers, making the vine burn away in a quick poof of flames. "Show off."

"Okay, okay. No powers." I held my hands up in surrender. I let the rain ease up a bit and I charged first. He ran towards me but dropped and slid at me instead, knocking me off my feet.

I hit the ground with a hard thud. I groaned and tried to roll over but Ben was over me in a flash. He straddled my legs, grabbing my arms and pinning them over my head. He lowered his head a bit, covering my face from tel he rain with a smirk. I sent a little spark through my wrists. "Tsk tsk, play by the rules."

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