Chapter One: The Villain in my Head

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Another Friday night spent alone in my dorm room. I lay on my bed, flat on my back, and looking at the ceiling. Images of a certain villain flashed through my head. I groan, putting a pillow over my face.

'He's a villain, (Y/n)!' Logic screamed. 

I bite my lip, turning to my side and looking at my TV while hugging my pillow. 

'You're barely 18 and a hero in training! What are you even thinking?!' It screams again, trying to reason with me and my feelings. 

I gasp, sitting up and watching the TV. There he was, in all his glory. Absolutely unhinged and sexy. The most attractive man I'd ever seen. 

"Wanted; the villain Dabi. Has committed multiple counts of arson and a few murders. If you see this man, please do not engage. Call the police, he is considered incredibly dangerous. He's in association with the League of Villains, their leader being Tomura Shigaraki."

I rub my face, get off my bed, and walk towards the balcony. After opening the door, I step out onto it, looking at all the wooded area and the lights of the town. I lean against the railing, holding my head in my hands. I stayed like this for what felt like an eternity, someone knocking on my door snapping me back into reality. I look at my door, confused as to who would be knocking past hours. 

'You're insane (Y/n). Why is he always on your mind?' I hear the voice of logic ask me. 

"No. I'm not insane. Am I?" I whisper to myself, another knock catching my attention. 

"Hey, (Y/n)? Are you still up or did you fall asleep with the lights on again?" Sero asks, popping his head into my room. 

"I-I'm awake Sero, what's up? Why are you up so late?" 

"I'm sneaking out to toke" He makes the classic smoke gesture, making me laugh. "Figured my favorite friend would wanna come along." 

I nodded, smiling. My parents would kill me if they knew that the sweet little girl that insisted on taking the entrance exam despite being accepted because uncle Toshinori recommended me, was sneaking out. To smoke weed with another teenager. A male teenager at that. 

"Yeah, maybe it'll help clear my head. Lemme grab some shoes and a hoodie." 

He comes in, sitting on my bed and watching me throw on my checkered vans and a black hoodie. He stands up, closing the balcony door for me as we sneak out of the front. We walk in silence for a few minutes, making our way to a more abandoned part of the town. I looked around, thinking about how much this place gives me the creeps, but enjoying the quiet and the peace. Finally, the walk was over. We had stopped outside an old, run-down red brick building. Sero sat down on an old crate, me plopping down on the ground beside him. 

"So, what's got you turning into a space cadet again? Still the super bad, evil villain Dabi?" He smirks, lighting it and taking a drag. 

I gasp, putting a hand over his mouth. "Oh my God, Hanta! Hush! What if someone hears you?!" 

I blush, pouting as he passes it to me. I take a couple of small hits, looking up at the sky before at him. "Y-Yeah... I just... I don't know, there's something so mysterious about him. I think he could be someone I could really ruin my life for." 

"(Y/n), babe, you've never even met the man. Plus he's like... twenty-four or something." 

"And? I'm eighteen, and I can make that decision for myself."

I blush, pulling my hood over my head. He looks at me with amusement on his face, taking it and hitting it. 

"I just... I wanna know." He starts, looking at me. "Why are you, a future hero, so obsessed with a villain that probably doesn't even shower?"

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