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I need to go find him now! Where the fuck did he go?! 

I go downstairs to the outdoor and put on my jacket and shoes and then I go out.

I started to search for him when I saw someone sleeping on a bench near the street.

I start to run to see the person, I saw Sunoo he had bruises on his face and he looks hurt.

I picked him up and ran home. When I opened the door I saw Sunghoon standing in the kitchen making breakfast to himself. 

I go to lay Sunoo down on the couch and put a blanket on him, he was so cold. 

I feel bad for letting him go, I wouldn't have been mad at him. It wasn't his fault... why did I overreact? 

"Uhm. Sunghoon I found Sunoo." I say.

"Good, where is he now?" Sunghoon asks.

"On the couch. It looks like he is hurt so don't touch him so much." I say.

I saw the worry in his eyes when I said that.

He quickly stopped what he was doing and ran to Sunoo.

"Sunoo.. please wake up.." Sunghoon says softly.

"What are you doing! Don't wake him up!" I kinda shouted but I was still a bit quiet.

"Shh.. Don't worry. I just wanna know what happened to him." Sunghoon says softly.

"Alright.." I say.

"Sunoo.. please wake up.." Sunghoon says softly to Sunoo touching his arm.


I woke up because I feel like someone is touching my arm.

I suddenly jumped when I saw Sunghoon in front of me and Ni-ki behind.

"Wtf! Leave me alone! I don't wanna face you guys after that argument!" I say.

"Yah. We are sorry, look we love each other. This is my younger brother, how can I hate him!" Sunghoon says ironically while putting his arm around Ni-kis shoulder. 

Awkward silence...

"Yeah right.. then why did you guys argument about a stupid thing? You bitches!" I shout at them.

"Forget about it, now tell us what happened to you before Jungwon comes here and cries because you are hurt." Sunghoon says.

"Why are they here...?" I ask.

"We were waiting for you! You never came." Ni-ki says.

"Oh I'm sorry because I never returned.." I say.

"No don't say sorry! Now what happened." Sunghoon asks me.

"It's Seungmin.. again.. he kicked my stomach, punched me and hit me." I say looking down.

"THAT MOTHERFUCKER-" Ni-ki didn't finish his sentence when Sunghoon talked. "Let me see your stomach."

"No. It hurts." I say.

"That's why I want to see it!" Sunghoon says. 

"Okay.." I say and pull up my shirt so they can see the bruise.


Both of them looked at me and got worried because of the big bruise on my stomach.

"Go tell the others now." Sunghoon says to Ni-ki.

"Okay, but Jay is still sleeping." Ni-ki says.

"It's 1:34 pm." Sunghoon says looking at Ni-ki.

"Oh. Okay I guess.." Ni-ki says running upstairs to tell the others.

"Sunoo.. you shouldn't have run away.." Sunghoon says.

"I thought I annoyed you and the others ignored me.." I say.

"Well, I'm sorry. I was just a bit annoyed but not by you don't worry." Sunghoon says.

Right after Sunghoon says that the others came running downstairs, Jungwon even slips and falls down. He got up and ran again.

What the fuck happened. 

"SUNOO! WHAT HAPPENED- OMG" Jungwon shouts shocked looking at my stomach.

"WHO DID THAT?!" Heeseung says looking angry as fuck.

"LET ME GUESS SEUNGMIN RIGHT?!" Jake says also angry.

"First of all STOP SHOUTING OKAY?!" I say while looking at them scared as fuck.


What will I answer? Idk what do to.. why are they so worried! I am blaming everything on them!

This is hard... maybe it's better to just say that Seungmin abuse me..



Sorry that it took long.

Bro I hate school so much.

I wrote this in school and had it in my drafts. I never got to publish it.

Byeeee <3

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