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-Skip time, Ni-kis place- 

He is kinda cute. Gotta be his best friend before Sunghoon hyung. Easy, but now that Sunoo will be staying at my place Sunghoon will be kinda mad right?

"Hey Sunoo.. where do you wanna sleep? I mean I have a brother. You don't wanna sleep in his room right?" I say

"Oh.. no I rather sleep in your room. But not in the same bed ofc." Sunoo says

"Uh. Yeah right. Anyways let's prepare your bed." I say.

"Yes thank you.." Sunoo says.

I can see that Sunoo is feeling uncomfortable because I took up my brother. Should I tell him? Or will he run away if I tell him.. but he has nowhere to go.. I'll let him see my brother himself.

We go inside my room and play video games.

-Skip time, Sunghoon is home-

"RIKI, IM HOME!" Sunghoon shouts from downstairs.

"It's my brother, don't mind him Sunoo." I say.

"Oh okay.." Sunoo says.


It's kinda embarrassing to see his brother. But his voice is kinda familiar to that boy in school.

"What's your brothers name?" I ask.

"His name is Sunghoon.. don't freak out and yes it's that boy in your class" Ni-ki says.

"Your kidding right?" I say.

Him? How tf is it him? Oh hell nah. I'm going to sleep in the same house as SUNGHOON?!

"I'm sorry Sunnie.." Ni-ki says.

"Sunnie?" I ask. I never heard anyone call me that.

"Yes I made a nickname for you hehe.." Ni-ki says.


"SHH! He might hear you!" Ni-ki says.

"I'm sorry, but how will I keep staying here when there is a handsome boy in this house?" I say.

"Me?" Ni-ki asks.

"No, I mean yes but I meant Sunghoon" I say.

"Well I'm more handsome than him.." Ni-ki says.

"Oops.." I say.

After a while it was dinner time and I almost freaked out because I need to face him. He hasn't even seen me.

We went downstairs and saw him looking at me.

"Riki why is Sunoo here.." Sunghoon says.

"Oh.. right he will be here until his mother lets him go home again." Ni-ki says. 

"Oh okay!" Sunghoon says happily.

Why is he even happy?


HELL YEAH! Now I have the chance to get closer to him! 

"I'll sit with Sunoo." I say.

"Sorry bro, I'll sit with  Sunoo bitch." Ni-ki say.

"Don't disrespect me like that." I say looking at Sunoo laughing.

If he's happy then I'm happy. 

"Stop staring at me Sunghoon.." Sunoo say.

I looked at my food fast as fuck.

"Sorry Sunoo he is just weird." Ni-ki says.

"You can be weird!" I saywithout looking at him.

-Skip time, after dinner- 

We sat in the living room watching tv.

"I will go sleep goodnight!" I say to Sunoo without looking at Ni-ki. 

"Hey. What about me?" Ni-ki asks.

"You called me weird earlier!" I say.

"I'm sorryyyyy" Ni-ki says.


We go to sleep. Sunghoon goes to his room and me and Ni-ki goes to Ni-kis room.



This was very stressful because I'm in school. So if it's bad I'm very sorry.

Byeee <3

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