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-Skip time, Sungkis place- 


"Bro, I didn't even touch your things! Why are you shouting!" Jungwon says.

"Then who took my shirt?" I ask.

"Probably Ni-ki, he misses you." Jungwon teases.

"Shut up!" I say.

I then go to Ni-kis room to find my shirt. Where is my shirt? It's not here for fuck sakes.

I then go to Sunghoons room to search. It's literally nowhere. I wonder where those two are? 

I go downstairs again.

"Jungwonnn~ it's not there! I looked in Ni-kis room and Sunghoons room. It's nowhere to be seen." I say looking mad.

"Maybe Seungmin has it." Jungwon joked.

"Stop saying that..." I say.

"Uhm. Then who took your shirt then?" Jungwon asks.

"How can I k-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when someone started talking to me.

"You mean this?" Sunghoon says holding my shirt in the air.

"My shirt!" I say running to it but Sunghoon immediately put his arm up higher for me not to reach it.

"Before tell me why you took Jungwons shirt and not mine." Sunghoon says.

"Because he offered first! Now give me back my shirt!" I say.

"No, you will have to wear my shirt or hoodie or anything!" Sunghoon says.

"Okay! But give it back!" I say.

I go up to Sunghoons room and started to look for a hoodie because he said that I could take anything.

I found one that is so cuteeee!

I put it on and walked downstairs again.

"Oh you are don- oh my goodness." Sunghoon says shocked.

"What? I know I'm cute but you don't need to stare at me!" I say.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Sunghoon says.

"And what is happening here?" Ni-ki says, walking inside the house closing the door and look at us. 

"Nothing!" I say trying to hide myself.

"I'm not dumb. I know that's my brothers hoodie. Why didn't you ask for mine?" Ni-ki says.

"Is it my fault that you are late?" I say.

"No I never said that." Ni-ki says.

"Just stop it already. Can't you let me do what I want?" I say.

"Okay enough. Sunoo go to Ni-kis room." Sunghoon says.

"Okay." I say.

I go to Ni-kis room.


"Are you his dad?" I ask.

"Do you want him to hear us arguing?" Sunghoon asks.

"Okay whatever. Don't try to ignore the fact that he was my friend before you. So don't get too close." I say.

"Are you out of your mind? You can't tell me what to do." Sunghoon says.

"Well I just did!" I say.

We are death glaring each other.

"Okay stop it, before it gets worse." Jungwon says walking out of the kitchen.

Oh yeah right let's not forget Sunoos saviorrrrrr.

"If you guys don't stop I'll be with Sunoo the whole day not letting him see you guys!" Jungwon says.

"Shut up. Like you dare." I say.

"I do asshole!" Jungwon says. 

Oh hell nah, who does he think he is.


I wanna laugh. Ni-ki is the legend of jealousy. 

"Riki chill. Let's just not argue okay?" I say.

"Okay fine, but please don't make me jealous then!" Ni-ki says.

This kid...

"Yeah whatever." I say.


-Skip time, Guest room (Jungwons room)-

"Do you want me to invite Heeseung??" Jungwon asks.

"Yes please!" I say with happiness in my voice.

"Okay let me call him." Jungwon says walking to the corner calling Heeseung.

I won't embarrass myself this time...

-Skip time, Heeseung arrived-

"Hey let's play truth or dare!" Heeseung says.

"I'm in!" Jungwon says.

"Me too!" I say.

We sat in a circle

"Okay! Jungwon truth or dare?" Heeseung asks.

"Hmmm. Truth." Jungwon says.

"Is it true that you worked in the school cafeteria and accidentally poured milk on a student?" Heeseung says trying not to laugh.

"Ahahah shut up. Yes it's true.." Jungwon says.

"Hahahahaha" I literally laugh my ass off.

"Okay, Sunoo! Truth or dare?" Jungwon asks.

"Hmm, dare!" I say.

"I dare you to punch Seungmin when you see him." Jungwon says.

Oh no...

How will this go... 

I'm screwed.



So it's a bit late but I was kinda busy the whole day! 

Finally break from school.

So yeah. Take care! 

Byeeee <3

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