Carlisle's POV

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I sighed as I heard running and shouting in the halls. At first I thought it was Alice and Rose chasing Emmett again but than I saw it was Bella that was chasing him. I have no idea why he wakes them by pouring cold water on them, when he knows he will just get hit. The last time he did that he had two black eyes, a sore groin, and was soaking wet. And when he did that to the Jasper and Edward I had to take him to the hospital to have four bullets and a knife tip taken out of his arms and leg. I also got a feeling if he does that to Bella again; I am going to have to take him again.

I got up from the table and made two ice packs and gave them to Emmett as he set down at the table. I set back down as the rest of the family joined me.

"So what are you girls going to do today?" Esme asked.

"Alice and I are going shopping" Rose answered.

"Bella would you like to join us?" Alice asked.

"No thanks" she replied.

"So what are you going to do today, Bella" I asked.

"I am going to wait for godfather to get here with the papers and spend time with him for a little while" she answered.

After breakfast I went up to my office and waited for Billy.

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