A/N and Aestethics

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

This is the second book I write and I couldn't be more thankful! When you read this I have already written the last three chapters of "Dressed To Kill"  but haven't uploaded them.

"Dressed To Kill" and your support helped me through a lot and you will never realize how important you are to me. You can always write me if you want someone to talk to or give me tips. If you find any mistakes, please correct me calmly. Criticism is also great but insults are not welcome.


This book is not edited and I am an amateur but I try my best to write about important topics that concern society with the best of my ability.

Also, this is the first time I write about POC so I am begging you to correct me if I say anything disrespectful or if you have any tips on how I could improve my writing.

If I read a single racist, homophobic or other misanthropic comment, I will block you! You don't deserve to read my work and we don't need your negativity here.


Please don't compare my work to other books because it is very hurtful and disrespectful towards the authors.

This story is for anyone who wants a female lead in a book who tries to find herself but is deeply misunderstood.

"Dressed To Kill" was important to me but it's nothing compared to this one. I would describe it lovingly as my "soulbook" because there is a lot of myself in it. Many parts are true and almost every character is real so I ask you kindly to be polite.


Now to the Warning:

"From the perfect start" contains strong sexual content, trauma, harsh language, drug/alcohol abuse, depression, effects of domestic violence/abuse, mental health issues, addiction, mention of a suicide attempt and other topics that could maybe trigger someone. If you feel uncomfortable with one of these themes above, please don't read this book.

I do NOT own the rights for the pictures in this book. They are from Pinterest.

And now enjoy reading and always remember that you are good enough. You are amazing.

I love you!


Cover made by meha-k

The characters:

Aleandra Raven (18)

Made by @venusandvirtues

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Made by @venusandvirtues

Antonia Raven (22)

Antonia Raven (22)

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From the perfect startWhere stories live. Discover now