Chapter 3- Let me forget

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

I love you, bye

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As soon as we walk around the corner and the security guard takes a quick glance at us, he immediately steps aside and opens the door

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As soon as we walk around the corner and the security guard takes a quick glance at us, he immediately steps aside and opens the door.

"Have a great night, Mr. Remington and Mr. Wilson, and of course also for the ladies" he says.

"Thanks, man," Ray replies while giving his arm a firm but friendly tug.

The moment I step into the room, the alcohol starts to get to my head and my body loosens up. I will never get used to the feeling of the liquor finally hitting my system. It's a thrill combined with weightlessness that pulls a smile to my face for no particular reason.

My heavy eyes dart around in the room and if my mind wouldn't have already been influenced by the alcohol my jaw would hit the floor.
The air leaves my lungs as I feel Ray stepping up behind me, gently laying his hand on my shoulder, leaning down to my ear.

"I bet you weren't ready for that. Well, if you want to party with people who are dancing on the line of being so self-absorbed they don't care about anyone but themselves and not caring about fucking anything anymore because they think they are above life... then this is the right place. And remember, if it's too much or you need a fresh breath of air, go back to Liam, the security, and ask him for the way to the roof. Don't worry, Kaden made sure that it's safe up there." His deep voice rasps into my ear, his minty breath brushing against my face.

I just nod and take in what is in front of me while processing his words.

Red leather couches.
Alcohol is everywhere.
Guys in suits and girls in beautiful dresses that fit their bodies like a second skin.
Coke getting snorted off the table.
Loud music blasting against my ears.
People dancing.
Bodies grinding against each other.
Men getting sucked off in dark corners of the room, women stripping for them.

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