Chapter 45- Not your fault

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Aleandra's POV:

"Aw, I must have really hurt you when I didn't call you after that lousy blowjob. But I'm glad you found someone else, as if he could ever compare to me," he says and then crashes against my shoulder as he walks by.

I quickly turn around.

"Stop," he continues to walk away from me.

"Fucking stop," I yell at him, and he sighs but listens.

"What? You got anything more to say?" He returns.

"Turn around."

He listens again. I walk toward him with fast-paced steps.

"No, not much, I just needed to do that."

He frowns at me, and before he can see it coming, I punch him with all the anger he caused inside me for years, without me realizing it, right in the face. He groans and loses his balance.

"Fuck you," he yells at me, gripping his bloody nose, lying on the ground.

"Oh, and don't ever call me Ally again," I say and step over his feet, walking away.

"You wish. But we're all the same, Ally. Men always lie, they make pretty eyes. We all think the same. You're just a pussy, you hear me? Just a piece of pussy. We are men, and if he's a man, he has this urge. He wants to fuck, or as you feminist piece of shit say, rape. That doesn't even exist. You're weak, way weaker than he is, and he loves the thought of being able to snap your fucking neck. Believe me, he does. I do, too, there is not a man in this world whom blood doesn't flow to his dick when they think of squeezing your throat till they see your life draining from your face." he yells after me, his words slowly getting quieter as my steps quicken until I run down the grass, tears staining my cheeks, the cold wind harshly slapping against my face.

"It's whose, not whom. Go back to school, you pathetic shit." I yell, my voice hoarse.

And from his cold, harsh words that make me want to lay my hands around his neck and choke him, I run into a warm embrace without looking, without asking. He's hugging me, calming me. I look up, Kaden's face stained with worry and confusion.


"No, please... don't ask. Everything is fine. Just- just tell me..." Tears start to uncontrollably run over my cheeks, and I can barely spit out the words anymore.

"I know it sounds weird and embarrassing, but please just tell me... what are your thoughts on prostitution?"

"What, Ally? We talked about this." He doesn't laugh or judges my question.

"Kaden." I plead.

"Alright. One of the most glaringly pernicious facets of prostitution is the inherent vulnerability it engenders among women. The preponderance of individuals involved in sex work often grapple with a lack of viable economic alternatives, making them susceptible to coercion, manipulation, and abuse by pimps, clients, or organized criminal syndicates. In regions where prostitution remains illegal or unregulated, women working in the industry lack legal protections and are denied recourse in the event of abuse or exploitation, perpetuating a culture of impunity. Engaging in sex work can reinforce a sense of disempowerment and objectification for women, as they are often reduced to commodities and face constant commodification and objectification by both-"

"Both clients and societal attitudes." I finish his sentence.

"That is word for word, what the lecturer said. You went? You went to that seminar?"

"Of course I went, who do you think I'm, Aleandra. We talked about it and I wanted to be more educated on that topic." he whispers under his breath, and as I close my eyes, I feel his lips press against my forehead.

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