Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12

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After meeting Vali and informing the leaders of what the letter says

I slowly wake up to see that sona sera akeno and irina are all in the bed with me sleeping soundly

Voice (Mind):Y/N i will be at your location in 30 minutes so you and your girlfriends need to get ready also I'm Gogito

Y/N (Mind):Understood master Gogito

Gogito (Mind):Also you may want to tell them about her that you talked to before

Master gogito cuts the conversation

Y/N:Girls wake up we got 30 minutes to get prepared for training

The four slowly wake up

Irina:why do we need to join you in training for honey?

Y/N:Well you see Irina when i was training to free sona from arranged marriage a mysterious individual appeared and told two of my mentor's who was training me that any girl that falls for me are required to join me in my training sessions

Akeno:He is correct i was there myself when the individual appeared

Y/N:Also what i learn during the training sessions you girls will also learn oh and before i forget i need to talk to you four about a girl i talked to

All four:a girl?

Sona:can you describe what she looks like?

Y/N:well shes a devil has blond hair her hair style is in the shape of two drills i think and she wears a pink dress

Serafall:only girl i know that matches that description would be Ravel Phoenix Risers sister

Sona:so you talked to Ravel but my question is when did you talk to her?

Before i could speak a orange circle appears in the room

Soon a figure appears from the circle which just so happens to be ravel herself

Soon a figure appears from the circle which just so happens to be ravel herself

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Ravel shouts as she jumps towards me which she then hugs me

Y/N:Ravel im all for the hug and all but can you let go?

Ravel giggles which she then lets go

Akeno:So ravel can you explain why you hugged Y/N?

Ravel:Hold up before i explain why are you four in the bed with him?

Before any of us could speak a letter magically appears infront of ravel

Ravel reads the letter before nodding her head

Irina:what was the letter about?

Ravel:the letter was telling me that you four are dating him and that i can still be in a relationship with him too

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